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If right wing ideas were so benevolent; why are their intentions concealed? - Printable Version

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If right wing ideas were so benevolent; why are their intentions concealed? - Matthew D - 12-15-2012 08:37 AM

For example, take conservative health care alternatives. If 'buying across state lines' was so benign; why conceal the fact that the intent was to overturn state regulations by de facto? Or dumping social security in the stock market so that everyone no matter how poor has the same interest as the wealthy? Same goes for the flat tax; its aim is keep taxes on the wealthy down by making everyone have the same vested interest.
If these examples cited and many others are so benign; why are their true intentions concealed?

- Mick Jones - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

face it buddy, you don't agree with me AND I don't agree with you. can we agree to disagree?

What are you talking about? What book are you reading?

- squareairplane389 - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

Speaking of concealed, Obama sure hates transparency in government!

- Jon - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

The right wing has ideas?

- Hippie Jesus - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

Their intentions are not concealed. They have shown that they intend to defend BP, and they have also shown that they intend to oppose the Workers who have been laid off in these hard times.

- Elle - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

Because the right wing party is the exact same thing as the left wing. They all have their own agenda, they only differ on who will benefit from it.

- Zandakar Raklion - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

Conservatives are trying to keep the poor poor and turn the majority of americans into financial slaves. It's very clear, just look at some of the documents uncovered from all the insurance and banking industries.

They aren't hiding their intentions, they are just covering them up with fear mongering lies and religious hate speech. By demonizing people they keep the unintelligent masses from realizing what those nazi's are doing.

- Dynamictub568 - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

Exactly. Like these clones. I hate them!

- End Libtardation - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

I suppose you failed to notice that all the TV ads to get your precious "free" healthcare bill passed was paid for by the pharmaceuticals industry, second only to big oil in annual profits. You want to talk about concealed motives?

- How_Would_I_Know - 12-15-2012 08:45 AM

At least liberals are open about their intentions. The health care plan was designed to destroy jobs and make health care more expensive for all Americans. And it's working just like they said..