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How bad can social anxiety disorder get? - Printable Version

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How bad can social anxiety disorder get? - Luke - 12-16-2012 12:29 AM

I've been speaking to a girl online and we've been getting on really great. She just told me she had to drop out of college because of social anxiety disorder. Why do you think it might have made her drop out of college - she seems really knocked by it. I'm not even 100% on what it means so thanks if anyone could clear it up

- KAL - 12-16-2012 12:37 AM

Social Anxiety Disorder is very powerful. Some people can't leave their houses for weeks due to the fear of having any social interaction. It basically means that having social contact (especially with people you don't know), can be difficult and cause extreme anxiety. She might still be okay to talk to you, but when with so many people that she doesn't know too well, it can be overwhelming for her.

- noodles - 12-16-2012 12:37 AM

Hi there,

It can get bad enough to make you become agoraphobic! I suffer from social phobias and in the past, they got so out of hand that I could no longer go outside or entertain guests in my home. Other than my husband and 3 young children at the time, I just could not bring myself to see or speak to anyone else - extended family included.

Like most phobia's, there is no rational explanation for it. However, the anxiety levels rise and panic sets in and so we avoid sistuations that trigger these attacks. Now I manage to go out but I still need my husband or son (now an adult in his 20's) to come with me. I manage to talk to people like you online, as you cannot judge me on what I look like, nor can you stare at me, nor can you laugh at me if I have a panic attack over something else.

Like your friend, I too am sad about the stuff I have missed out on over the years, college courses I have abandoned, days out cancelled, visits to/from family cancelled etc. I now push myself to do that little bit more each day to keep my social phobia under control ie visit a corner shop where I have to speak to the shop owner, visist a supermarket where there is loads of people, walk through a market, be out in the open spacces etc. These things I can only do with those that I trust. I can manage to answe the telephone now - so at least I dont miss as many calls any more.

Let your friend know that you will not laugh at her, make fun of her nor force her to do anything she isnt ready to do - believe me when I say email and online chat can be difficult enough sometimes.

I hope this enlightens you a little, you sound like a brilliant friend - she is lucky to have someone like you around. Good luck for the future of your friendship :-)

- Anji Bramley - 12-16-2012 12:37 AM

Social anxiety disorder is the Pharmaceutical industries new condition name for Shyness!! It is a totally made up condition which the medics will now be able to medicate!!! It is a ridiculous thing and is not a medical condition. You should read a book called Selling Sickness it is an eyeopener regarding medication, which is totally unnecessary and is sold to the worried well. Wellness is our natural state and the pharma industry would prefer that we are sick in order to medicate us for every possible situation.

- Timothy - 12-16-2012 12:37 AM

till you cant leave the house or think straight at all. ive been like that before. drugs do not help it it can often make it alot worse. i agree with the other answer to an extent but anxiety is more severe than shyness.

it takes talking and readjustment to overcome it not drugs they are addictive and only cover up some symptoms temporarily (with bad side affects).

It deff could make someone drop out of college.