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Should I tag her on facebook or is it too much? - Printable Version

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Should I tag her on facebook or is it too much? - Jay Wood - 12-16-2012 02:28 AM

Simply my ex girlfriend who in the last month has been a complete immature bitch in every possible way, even faked someone murdering her getting them to send pictures to me explaining how he killed her. Yesteday though she posts a status on facebook directed at someone saying That she thinks it's funny that some girl went back to her boyfriend who cheated on her and that she still has the text, lmao at dumb bitches. I commented "Is this about you or someone else because aren't you going out with a guy who has cheated on you multiple times?" Well after that a few guys felt like getting onto me and I put him in place by simply explaining. I recieved no more notifications until she deletes my comments talking to that guy but leaves my first one up and blocks me from commenting again so now random guys are talking shit again. Of course girls will back me up though because she shouldnt have directed it towards someone for everybody to see. Well I want to post this but if its too much I wont

To Tagged Name - I see you want to direct your status at someone instead of calling them on the phone, see them in person, or even message them privately. The funny thing is youre a hypocrite and then when someone points it out to you you delete there posts and have guys who probably doesnt even know you stick up for you because they want to get in your pants by sucking up, simple psychology can tell you that. It's actually hilarious that one guy was supporting you for seeing multiple guys, cracks me up he said he was taking notes because you have game. I guess whore is now classified as game. The thing is I know what I'm talking about and what I said was true but since you want to direct your statuses at people instead of being mature about something Ill do the same but instead Ill tell you its about you Tagged Name. You want to tell other girls there idiots because they went back to someone who cheated on them and call them dumb bitches yet your boyfriend cheats and beats you yet you run back crying to him every time so I guess that would make you a dumb bitch too? Your words not mine. No girl or guy should stay with someone who cheats on them simple as that. You delete my comments because it makes you look bad but if I wanted to make you look bad I would tell them a lot more about you than simply pointing out that your boyfriend is a jerk which Im sure people already know. If you want to talk to me about it call me. I will delete this status soon but try talking to people instead of directing stuff for one person to see yet the whole world can see. And go ahead tag me in a status if you want, Im sure it will be some kind of lie because lets face it, I've done nothing wrong up until now and well I could go on and on about all the dumb stuff youve done just in the last month. Hmm, does a picture or a drug dealer ring a bell? So go ahead tag me an then i can jst continue thischarade, or instead try talking to me like you should have that girl....Grow up.

- smallarm625 - 12-16-2012 02:36 AM

That is too much... Wait for her to respond back to you...

Good luck!