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Confused about Twitter...? - Printable Version

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Confused about Twitter...? - .:=RM=:. - 12-16-2012 02:52 AM

If you put @"thensomeone'sname" and they are not following you, for example @ThisIsDavina for Davina Mcall, then will they still see the message? Even if they are not following you?

- Lollipop - 12-16-2012 03:00 AM

yes, they can read the message anyway but only when they go to "@username" section that is just above the "direct messages" section on the right side of ur Twitter page.

- Muffin Man - 12-16-2012 03:00 AM

no, personal experiences show to just ask them to follow you, it is not worth it to keep sending messeges, how do you feel about it, does it make you sad happy or even evilly vicous. I prescribe a new medicein for you antify it will help you get over this depression, simple liver test must be taken before using antify, don't take with acohol or drive or operate macheinery untill you know its affects, if you take antify under the age of 18 depression may worsten, common synaffects show nose bloods, blooding of the anus, unconsiousness, and even genetile loss, rare deadly happening may occur, so make sure you take out a life insurence policy before you take it so have a talk with your doctor today about the only fast acting ani despreesent out there. know before I leav you on your own lets do a little exersize I want you to draw a human shap and lable it with you father then I want you too use colors to symbolize your feelings that this man made you have then vent to me.