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How do you feel about the Liberal Feminism theory? What do you feel are the strengths of your prescribed theor? - Printable Version

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How do you feel about the Liberal Feminism theory? What do you feel are the strengths of your prescribed theor? - Excessivecalendar418 - 12-16-2012 04:01 AM

What do you feel are the strengths of your prescribed theory? What do you feel are the weaknesses of your prescribed theory? How do you feel that history has influenced the construction of and the implementation of the various theories?

Liberal Feminism: States the society violates the equal rights of women by categorizing them as a single group, versus by their individual characteristics. A liberal feminist would argue that women should have the same rights as men despite their physical differences. Furthermore, liberal feminism states that women and men are essentially the same because the power to reason is the defining characteristic of humanity and is not gender-specific. It desires change in public, rather than private, realms. It is arguably the most familiar branch of feminism. There are 2 kinds of “liberal”:

1. Classic: Government is responsible for protecting civil liberties and providing equal opportunity.

2. Welfare: The individual states should take a larger role in regulating the market to provide a minimum economic justice; women need access to certain social services to ensure equality between women and men.

- Sweet - 12-16-2012 04:09 AM

I think liberal feminists are the best feminists around because they do not go to the extreme like the radical feminists do. Liberal feminists believe that change has happened but there is still room for change. The liberal feminists are the newest feminists around and their view about changes have already occurred are due to changes such as women being able to vote in elections which they could not do before.

The strengths of the liberal feminists theory is that they are the most up to date type of feminists therefore their views make a lot more sense in today's society.

There are no weaknesses of this theory although some could argue that women have completely equal rights as men do. The liberal feminists would then respond to this by saying that men still have the top jobs, fewer women in parliament than men and also women can not serve on the front line. These are some of the changes that the liberal feminists think could be made hence why they say that changes have been made but there is still room for improvement regarding equal rights.