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How can I market my small business online? - Printable Version

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How can I market my small business online? - Adekunle - 12-16-2012 07:45 AM

I have just started a small business and I would like to know how I can spread my marketing onto the internet. I learned that it would cost me a lot of money to do this. How can I go about this?

- The Entrepreneur - 12-16-2012 07:53 AM

The most effective way is to build your own website. This is not expensive if you consider the returns and you can buy a web hosting and development package to help you.

- john - 12-16-2012 07:53 AM

There are two ways to go about marketing your small business online - actively and passively.

The latter comprises of simply sticking up a website with a little bit of information about you, your company, your product and some contact information. You may list yourself in a few directories but it isn't something that is going to open up the web to you and make you millions.

Using a website actively to market, acquire leads and generate business is a much more effective way of using the internet. You can automate systems, make them run around-the-clock and potentially deal with a lot more business without all that much extra expensive.

However, actively marketing your website requires traffic - a lot of traffic. But just like in the offline world, you need targeted traffic. Ideally...

There are two functions an 'active' website has for online marketing small business.

• Prospects find you - not you find your prospects

The internet is an increasingly social place and people naturally gravitate towards the big discussions (no one likes talking to nobody right?). The nature of search has flipped the way marketing works in favour of you. You can compete at Google with the large companies for people who are actively looking for your services. You need to find yourself at the front of discussions and at the front of the search engines.

• Creates a dynamic conversational platform

Having established yourself as a key conversation leader, you need to carry this conversation over onto your web 'platform'. This need not necessarily be a website - you could use a blog, Facebook page or even tools like Twitter. The key is the maintain more control over the conversation and work with your (now) audience to offer solutions to their problems.

- Li - 12-16-2012 07:53 AM

Make an online shopping sites, such as

- Matt T - 12-16-2012 07:53 AM

It will only cost you alot of money if you are using paid products like google adwords or yahoo overture. there are many free ways to promote your business that can generate massive traffic to your site such as article marketing and link building. one site i know of that can teach you how to do all of this is they can even teach you how to monetize your site further than just advertising your own products.

- Sammi - 12-16-2012 07:53 AM

The best way is to have a website for your business or probably a blog that would keep and attract new visitors who would be potential customers. Once your website is up and running you will only need some few techniques to promote it. The best method to market your website and which will cost you less is article marketing. Writing good articles maybe about your business, your product and services and submitting them to free article directories. Make sure in the article you link back to your website so that readers of the articles can be directed to your website. By doing this you will be promoting your website as well as your business. There are various free article directory in which you can submit your articles. Here are some: EddyArticles(, Articlesbase, Article dashboard and others
I hope you will find this useful

- Andy - 12-16-2012 07:53 AM

A website is a great way to market your business. It's an awesome way to get exposure and will make your business look more established. Microsoft Office Live Small Business provides low cost websites with a lot of great features. Our website builder is template based so you will not have to know any code and hosting can cost as little as $15 a year.

Check out some success stories at

Good luck!
MSFT Office Live Outreach Team

- Tony - 12-16-2012 07:53 AM

Yes, you can make money as an online Affiliate Marketer. I’m making money online as we speak. Have started Affiliate Marketing earlier this year in March. I was making about $100 to $200 per week. Then as I learn from other Super Affiliate Marketers out there…I started making more. As of August 2009, I’m earning over $1,000 / week as an Affiliate Marketer. The learning curve is different for each person, but if you take the time to learn about affiliate marketing, then the rewards will be there for you.
The best way of making money online without spending a lot money is to be an Affiliate Marketer. You don't need a website nor do you need any products. As an affiliate marketer you will market products for various companies that will pay you a commission for selling their products. (Commission is usually from 50% to 75%). So you don't need a website; you don't have to call anyone to sell them a product; you don't need to join any mlm; You just need to refer people to the site of their interests and earn a commission.
Where do you learn all about these products? Check out . This is a market place to find vendors who are looking for affiliates to market their products. It costs nothing to sign up with them and nothing to start.
There are so many online methods you can use to drive traffic to these various sites you are promoting. Some of these methods include: blogging, Pay Per Click (PPC), Article Writing, eMail Marketing, and much more. To learn more about these methods, I recommend the beginners to learn from experienced Affiliate Marketers such as Ewen Chia, Michael Jones, Mack Michaels, Bobby Walker, Adell Chowdhry, and Kris Trujillo. These are some of the true Affiliate Marketers out there with great success.
Only down side is cost of advertising and getting the words out. However, this is the only type of business where you can start part time and one day earn as much as your FT job. FYI..,I started this part time 6 months ago and within 6 months..I'm earning more PT then my regular FT job. Crazy..,but true, How much you put into, you'll get out of it as well.
In addition, I also recommend learning from the Super Affiliate Marketers out there that can eliminate your time and efforts by teaching you how to market products for free and the various methods that are available for you to use. You can find more information on Affiliate Marketing at
Save yourself time and invest in yourself and learn and you'll soon make money online. You can start making $100 to $200/day within the next 3 days, but you have to start today and learn. It can be frustrating, but the learning curve is shorter when you learn from an Affiliate Marketer guru. can start even today after reading this post. It sounds crazy, but it's all true.
Here’s my recommended steps to online success --- 1) Learn from an Affiliate Marketer 2) go to and find a product to promote. Very easy, but takes a little effort to learn the secrets of the gurus.

Good Luck,

- Michelle - 12-16-2012 07:53 AM

1. Get started with an effective website.
2. Search target audience online and their favorite communities: For example blogs, forums, social networks etc. Participate on these platforms.
3. Post blogs, write articles and press releases.
4. List your website in relevant directories.