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Do you think Rebecca Black is just social control? - Printable Version

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Do you think Rebecca Black is just social control? - Nathan - 12-16-2012 09:40 AM

It just seems like Rebecca Black is a corporate experiment. It's not that hard to figure out, but they're successful with her. I think we are going to be seeing many more Rebecca Blacks in the future. It's like it's social control or something.

P.S I'm not a conspiracy theorist!

- Muriel - 12-16-2012 09:48 AM

Rebecca Black would have faded into obscurity were it not for the internet being run by a horrifyingly large population of gratuitously stupid teenagers. The whole affair reeks of idiocy and immaturity... sadly, it says more about our culture than about corporate marketing.

- Homo Erectus - 12-16-2012 09:48 AM

no. it gets laughed at, no one takes it seriously. I think if someone was trying to exert control they would do it a bit better than that.