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What are your opinions on public Twitter and Instagram accounts? - Printable Version

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What are your opinions on public Twitter and Instagram accounts? - Deb - 12-16-2012 01:43 PM

I'm not looking to go find you guys on there, don't worry. But I've always wondered if having a public Twitter and Instagram is as safe as people seem to think it is. Both of my accounts are on private, but many of my friends are public and they don't see any danger in it. I was wondering what your opinions are on the matter.

- Katy - 12-16-2012 01:51 PM

My twitter is public and that does not bother me at all, I don't see anything wrong with it because I never use it and if someone follows me that I don't approve of I block them. However Instagram to me should always be private because its way more personal I mean I would not want some stranger just looking through my pictures.

- **MaRaH** - 12-16-2012 01:51 PM

Any social account whether it's Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, there is always something that you gotta be cautious about. Once you post something on there, it is out for the world to see, keep that in mind. You can always go to your profile settings or account settings and edit some things there so certain people can't see your account and only your friends that you have on there can. Just be careful not to post stupid or embarrassing things on there becuz most likely, the whole world is going to see it.