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How Can I Make the Pain Go Away? Nicki Minaj unfollowed me on Twitter and It Hurts? - Printable Version

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How Can I Make the Pain Go Away? Nicki Minaj unfollowed me on Twitter and It Hurts? - Amethyst - 10-08-2012 12:49 PM

I am a big Nicki Minaj fan.Her music and personality changed my life. Nicki Minaj recently unfollowed me on Twitter and I'm really really hurt. I haven't stopped crying for 3 days.I have barely even left my apartment.I have to leave my apartment Monday of course because I go back to work.
Even though Nicki unfollowed me I still love her and I will continue supporting her because my love for her is really strong and real. But I do admit that her unfollowing me has affected me deeply.

I haven't been able to sleep,eat,and I haven't been out in 3 days since she unfollowed me.What can I do to make the pain go away? 1 of my friends told me to be optimistic because Nicki sometimes refollows people she unfollowed and my friend is saying she has faith that Nicki will refollow me.She said she feels Nicki is testing me to see how big of a fan I really am or that she unfollowed me by accident.I didn't do or say anything bad to Nicki so why she unfollowed me is hurting me because I didn't do anything or say anything bad.The killing part is that she tweets people who keep up drama.
I don't know how to be happy again. Nicki means a lot to me and the fact she unfollowed me just hurts.

- Jesse - 10-08-2012 12:57 PM

No getting over Nicki Minaj unfollowing you on twitter sorry Sad

- lala - 10-08-2012 12:57 PM

There are kids in Africa that are starving. Get over it..

- Ego - 10-08-2012 12:57 PM

It's most likely a glitch in the system.

- Kate-Ann - 10-08-2012 12:57 PM

Lala when your favorite celebrity unfollows you we will see if you say the same thing.

Anyway keep on supporting Nicki! I know quite a few people who have been unfollowed by Nicki Minaj on Twitter and they still continue to love her and support her. Well take their example and keep on loving and supporting Nicki. Also be optimistic.Have faith because Nicki has refollowed people before. When the time is right Nicki will refollow you. She may be testing some of her fans to see who is truly a fan. She may have done it on accident. Maybe someone said something bad about you. But please do not let this get you down. If its for you to be refollowed by Nicki then it will happen. Meanwhile keep supporting her.You can still tweet her and tweet about her on Twitter.She will see that you are a true fan and she may refollow you.Only time will tell.Do not let this event turn you away from Nicki.

Now go for a walk or treat yourself to lunch or dinner.Watch one of your favorite movies. Watch Nicki Minaj's videos and interviews on Youtube.This always cheers me up.Just get out your house for at least an hour. Everything is going to be ok. Nicki refollows the barbs and kens who are true so don't fret.And please please do not hurt yourself over this.I was reading about some girl that killed herself because Nicki unfollowed her.Please don't go there! I love Nicki too but I would never think of hurting myself just because Nicki Minaj unfollowed me on Twitter.Everything is going to work out. Smile

- Zoe Wiggins - 10-08-2012 12:57 PM

You need too get over it. I mean seriously? It might be a glitch in the system, but all that or a person you don't even know. Smh what has this world came too. Go see a counselor