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problem with facebook notifications and comments? - Printable Version

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problem with facebook notifications and comments? - srikanth kotte - 12-16-2012 11:24 PM

somehting happned to my fb account the persons who are comenting on my status their comments are deleting but notification show that . after sometime even that notificatios also disaapering .if i singout and open after few minutes evrything is coming back again after few minutes evrythign is disappering .these all are happening after one of my frnd tagged me in a spam video i didnt open it but i consider as a spam . plz help thank u

- Serena Timmins - 12-16-2012 11:32 PM

its possible that they commented on your status and then they deleted the comment. The red icon usually shows once they have deleted it but the comment cannot be seen and eventually the red icon dissapears as-well!

- Kavilash - 12-16-2012 11:32 PM

dont click on any links that shows any video they are advertising spams once u click them the host starts to publish the video thru ur acc to ur frndzzz and fb keeps on verifying the tags and comments and its a problem faced by a lot of individuals not only u try chrome extensions they help u a lot

- Justine - 12-16-2012 11:32 PM

It could very well be spam I know I always get those. To prevent from opening a spam message I notice that it will say "123" people also in this convorsation or something like that. Do not open it!!!!!!! Now it could be your computer if u have an older computer like my mom does I notice with fb it runs real slow because fb is packed with viruses and "cookies" like all those games such as yoville and all those ...ville games. Or it could just be fb because they update it so much or could be in the middle of updating it, u should prob just send them a quick complaint and see if they can fix it!