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How can Gordon Brown help first-time buyers in the UK housing market? - Printable Version

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How can Gordon Brown help first-time buyers in the UK housing market? - Jifri - 12-17-2012 08:27 AM

There's a growing groundswell of opposition to the substantial discounts given by builders to private investors who buy houses to let. Rightly or wrongly, first-time buyers blame them for pushing up house prices.

As in North America and Australia, most private buy-to-let investors are ordinary people who see their investment as an ideal way to create enough retirement pension to live on.

As Chancellor, Gordon Brown's record on 'improving pensions' was hardly a success, and the UK old-age pension (US: social security) is no longer enough to live on.

Can we believe that as Prime Minister he will actually help house buyers by bringing changes to the housing market? Or just stop those trying to help themselves in old age?

- gigantichoney479 - 12-17-2012 08:35 AM

he needs to increase the social housing stock for a kick off

and quickly

- Ask.Kelly - 12-17-2012 08:35 AM

I miss Tony Blair...Browns fat.

- rhodustian - 12-17-2012 08:35 AM

I suppose he could make stern faces at sellers who don't make a "Home Information Pack".

- jivan k - 12-17-2012 08:35 AM


- gozaine - 12-17-2012 08:35 AM

You can't have it both ways people. If you want to live in a capitalist society then expect the markets, including the housing market, it be influenced by supply and demand. If you want the prices of things regulated by the government then perhaps it's time for the revolution.

- Hoodoo - 12-17-2012 08:35 AM

Gordon Brwon can help first-time buyers by reducing the deposit which has to be put down when buying a property. Reducing it from 10% to 5%. It would help buyer's get on the property ladder quicker.

- piggingheck - 12-17-2012 08:35 AM

There isn't much he can do, unless the British want to give up living in nice houses with gardens and start living in the monstrous 30+ floor tower blocks that blight the rest of Europe. (Yes, I know there are some in Britain already, but nowhere near as many as in other places.)
You can't have the government getting involved in the housing definition, it is a "market", you can only regulate around the edges, not force people to sell to a certain person or at a certain price.
And where could you build new housing in areas where it is needed most (eg, within 2hrs of London)? There simply isn't any space left, unless you want to take away even more of the countryside (which is about the only thing that makes living that near to London even vaguely bearable).

- Brian R - 12-17-2012 08:35 AM

I don't know most of that, but I say everything should be Free. Then we will all be happy.

- ufo18 - 12-17-2012 08:35 AM

By giving back some of the outrageous TAXES, new build land tax to name but one of industrial use per acre £7,000 for house building £950,000 if the same to the lower figure, house prices would drop by some 20%, prime example of stealth tax