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Attractive girl at lunch. Help? - Printable Version

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Attractive girl at lunch. Help? - Ryno Slav - 12-17-2012 01:46 PM

This one girl that sits at a table across from mine at lunch is extremely attractive. After finding out who she is, I followed her on Twitter and found that she's single and is interested in many things that I am. I can direct message her on Twitter, so how can I begin talking to her? All I need is her number and I garuntee I can win her over. I can't directly approach her at lunch because she's surrounded by her friends. I don't want to go up to her like a lost puppy, especially if she doesn't even know me. Any ideas?

- bikinibabycum - 12-17-2012 01:54 PM

Twitter her and say your feelings. Make friends move from there.
Please win her heart for good reason not for her body or looks.

- Nina - 12-17-2012 01:54 PM

I bet she's skinny too.