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How do I start over on Ninja Warz facebook? - Printable Version

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- Francisca - 12-17-2012 04:52 PM

Just delete your facebook account. Everybody is doing the same. There Privacy policy is not good.

- Obe - 12-17-2012 04:52 PM

This is so easy but I don't speak english very well, so, give me a chance.

1)Enter to the game

2)Go to the end of the page.

3)Find this:
"Copyright © 2009-2010 Broken Bulb Studios. All Rights Reserved - Forum - Privacy
Policy - Terms of Use - Reset My Account"

4)The 3 last words in here says "Reset My Account" <<Click this.

5)This may bring you into a new web page.

6)right here you must see a sing that says "I really want to reset my Ninja warz Account"
(Click it ) This will ask you again If you really want it...So click the new sign.

7) By now you must be creating a new clan.

I realy hope I could help you

Have a great game ^^