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how to start a level 3 sports massage business and make it full time? - Printable Version

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how to start a level 3 sports massage business and make it full time? - dan - 12-17-2012 05:04 PM

i have private clients and have done for four years now but its not enough to make living out of at the moment , can i have ideas on how to make this a career as i really want to as i love doing it are flyers and websites a waste of money at this stage?

- Pr - 12-17-2012 05:12 PM

I very much believe in having a Web presence of some sort, not necessarily a Website but at least using Social Media. My favourite for self-promotion being on Twitter.

If you do decide on having a website, my advice is to set it up using the WordPress blogger platform. This is probably the most versatile format, and if you are reasonably able with computers, you might be able to do it yourself.

With Flyers I think you must be very precise where you distribute them and not just have a blanket approach. I advise you target residences where there are young "professionals" (the type more likely to Jog etc). Therefore needing occasional or regular Sports Massage.

I advise you to also do a Poster, which is essentially a large version of your flyer and can be pinned on gym etc noticeboards. Indeed, ask large hotels or spas for permission, aswell as the gyms and recreational halls.

Remember to leave on the flyers and poster the link(s) to get to your Web presence, in addition to your telephone number.

To entice potential clients offer a half-price for their first session. Just ensure you don't disappoint!

That's about it! However, before you start visit your local govenment advisors at Business Links. They can provide significant advice and practical assistance.

Good luck....