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How the hell did Facebook Chat become more popular than MSN? - Printable Version

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How the hell did Facebook Chat become more popular than MSN? - L. Walker - 12-17-2012 08:17 PM

Okay I'm a little confused here... Let's look at what MSN / Windows Live Messenger has...
File Sharing, Photo Sharing, Video Calls, Voice Calls, Voice AND Video Calls, Three Way (or more) Conversations, Groups, Games, Remote Assistance, Custom Emoticons, Custom Fonts, TONNES of Add-ons and Scripts... and the list GOES ON!

What does Facebook Chat have? Plain Text, Glitches, A HORRIBLE User Interface, Often Incorrect Statuses, It's rigid, It's completely non customizable...

How the hell did it become more popular?

- Angelique Smith - 12-17-2012 08:25 PM

It became more popular because Facebook itself has alot to offer and it's convientient that it has chat Smile plus there about to do a thing where you can video chat on Facebook but idk when that's coming out

- toejam - 12-17-2012 08:25 PM

Facebook is like Wal Mart... Taking over the world with their cheap crap..

- Taliban - 12-17-2012 08:25 PM

Good thing about facebook chat is that you dont have to add them with their email. i go on fb to check my notification, its more things to do. msn is really about chatting. i have a msn acc. at first, i go on everyday, but now i got lazy. cause they are many more stuff i can do on fb!

- Zaid - 12-17-2012 08:25 PM

Facebook has ALL of that in apps like people roulette ! and it's simpler and gives u what's new! not like MSN it keeps on showing things from 4 or 5 days ago!