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How do i make my twitter private? - Printable Version

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- tinymoney692 - 12-17-2012 09:13 PM

Follow these steps:
1. Log in to your Twitter account. Enter your Twitter user name or e-mail address, and password on the Twitter homepage to reach your profile page.
2. Select "Settings" to modify your account. "Settings" is the fourth option on the right at the top of your Twitter profile page. Select it to go to your account management page.
3. Check the "Protect my updates" check box. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find this check box. It is the last feature and section of your account page.
4. Select "Save." This confirms your changes until you decide to un-check the box. Anyone who sees your profile will now see a large "lock" image indicating that your updates are protected.
5. Approve your followers. You will receive an e-mail notification when someone wants to follow you and will need to approve them so they can join your "following" list.


- agello24 - 12-17-2012 09:13 PM

twitter is public. making it private is defeating the purpose.