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Republicans and Democrats can we all agree with an individual opt out system for social security? - Printable Version

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Republicans and Democrats can we all agree with an individual opt out system for social security? - Nasreddin Hodja - 12-18-2012 12:27 AM

that way if you are a Conservative you can instead invest your money in privatization, while the rest of us can continue to use the older more steadier system that is already in place but with a few reforms, for instance the banning of any social security funds to those who chose to "opt out" for any reason, including disability! that should make Cons happy since they like draconian laws!

- Joe in texas - 12-18-2012 12:35 AM

Social Security is a ponzi scheme. If anyone but the government ran it they would go to jail.

I would gladly opt out, if the Feds would only give me the money I've already contributed.

- xpatinasia - 12-18-2012 12:35 AM

It's a terrible idea. Social Security was started because too many people hadn't planned ahead. Currently, the average 401K/IRA in the US for a retired person has $50,000. Not much after working for 40 years. Thankfully, there is SS to lend a hand. Everyone thinks they can do a better job investing than the government and many of those who opt out would have nothing for retirement.

- Infernal Disaster - 12-18-2012 12:35 AM

Fine with me.

Unlike yourself, I don't need to depend on the government for scraps. The system is already going bankrupt.

The money I retire on, was never going to be Social Security.

- Gene Rodenberry - 12-18-2012 12:35 AM

I agree-Let them opt-out if they want to
corporations can GAMBLE with their money NOT the rest of us.

- Rusty Shackelford - 12-18-2012 12:35 AM

That makes no sense, because after the Conservatives lose their money in the stock market, they will become Democrats and then demand their Social Security.

A Political Party should not be able to Privatize Social Security or Medicare. These Programs were set up because the Private Sector failed to provide security, and we should not put these programs in the hands of those who can destroy it.

- Party Hack - 12-18-2012 12:35 AM

Social security would probably fail if that happened. It is dependent on new money to pay retired people.

- Belovedmorning274 - 12-18-2012 12:35 AM

No way, Jose! Yes, the Republicans keep trying to "privatize" Social Security, which just celebrated its 75th birthday by the way, and they conveniently forget to examine what happened to their GOP-run (and DEVASTATED) economy. The best way to keep our Social Security system solvent is to KEEP DEMOCRATS IN POWER so that Republicans no longer have the power to deliberately run up HUGE DEFICITS and then OUTSOURCE all of our JOBS to third-world countries, and then do exactly what the Obama administration and the Democrats have been doing since 2009: EXPAND OUR MANUFACTURING JOBS here at home, then OPEN FOREIGN MARKETS to American-made goods (especially the new green-energies products that are now being made in more than 40 states thanks to President Obama's initiative for reducing our country's dependence on foreign oil). The PAY-IT-FORWARD Social Security program is an American SUCCESS STORY that does not need TINKERING with an "opt out" dismantling! Republicans should get nowhere NEAR this successful social program!

- Profoundcave537 - 12-18-2012 12:35 AM

We need to "progress" away from social security. If we add the word progress than maybe progressives will go along with it.

- BekindtoAnimals22 - 12-18-2012 12:35 AM

It sounds good on the surface but the reality of it is that people who will soon begin using it have paid into it all their lives but now depend on the younger working people to fund their social security payments. If people opt out before the boomer generation is gone, there won't be enough money for their social security. In other words, there is no way to do that without throwing millions of people into severe poverty through no fault of their own. It might have been possible if the social security trust fund hadn't been robbed for many years and thrown into the general fund replaced by IOU's. No way at this point. It doesn't do any good to argue points like this or point fingers at one party or the other. Reality bites.