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does my ex still have feelings for me? sorry so long? - Printable Version

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does my ex still have feelings for me? sorry so long? - Kim - 10-08-2012 01:38 PM

My boyfriend of a year dumped me almost 2 months ago. This occurred 8 days after we became long distance. We both graduated from the same college and went back to our hometowns, so hes 3 hours away now but he'll be 45 mins away starting in Sept when I relocate for graduate school. We ended because of an intense long distance fight and the distance too. I will say he does have a bit of a temper problem and he knows it (his mother had a long discussion about it with him right before we broke up and he said he felt very depressed about it) its weird because when I visited him a few days at his hometown before he dumped me everything seemed fine and he was very lovey dovey and everything.

2 1/2 weeks ago I drunkdialed him on a Friday night. He called back right away. He said "its OK I'm drunk too...I don't want to be romantically involved with you but we can talk" We talked alot (about life, not us) and he accidentally hung up on me at one point but called back right away. We talked for an hour.

We follow each other on Twitter and during this phone conversation he sent me 2 tweets
I saw the next day he deleted those two tweets which I don't think means much. He prob just didn't want others to see (I'm the only girl hes following, the rest of his 8 followers are his guy friends...and I know a few of them ask him about us breaking up)

I called him sober in the middle of the day finally 3 days ago and we talked for 45 minutes. He sounded depressed because he cant find a job and went on an interview that didn't go well. He said he is very frustrated to be stuck in his house with no money and he is bored.
Also, I am going to be near his hometown in 3 weeks for a conference for graduate school, which is 3 days in a row for half a day each day. I suggested we do something one of those days so I don't have to sit in my hotel for 6 hrs. He said he would reserve that weekend so it looks like I'm going to see him but I don't know if we will go to the movies or what.

The next night at 9pm, (2 nights ago) I had my cell phone in my back pocket and sat down and it accidentally butt-dialed him. I didn't mean to do it, but I forgot to take him off of speedial so thats how that happened. Well it left a blank voicemail because I didn't know I called him. He called back and I didnt answer because I was busy with my friends. He called again 30 minutes later and also commented on something I posted on my Twitter. I got onto Twitter and saw he wrote to me on that commenting on my Tweet and I wrote back. He then called me again and I ignored it. He called for the 4th time 30 minutes after this. (I never answered any of these calls) I finally tweeted him saying "Im super tired Ill call another night. GN" I went to bed and got up the next morning and saw he sent me a direct message on Twitter after I tweeted him saying that. His message said "direct message me something like that but at least you're getting the hang of Twitter" (I just signed up on it so Im confused how it works) I wrote back saying "sorry, will do next time

- Naguru - 10-08-2012 01:46 PM

Since you still think and feel about him a lot, it will not go waste. I think, everything will be rewarded suitably.

- Sara - 10-08-2012 01:46 PM

Child, that was one long account of tweeting and twittering and calling accidentally!
If he dumped you, for heaven's sake have some pride and don't ever call him again.
He just told you he doesn't want to be romantically involved with you again. That's clear enough!
There are plenty of guys in this world who are fun to talk to, they come out the skies like the Biblical plague of locusts when you're young. Don't mistake "fun to talk to" for True Love.

And any young man with an anger problem should be given a wide berth, unless you want to be the focus of the anger someday.