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What to do if you suspect your husband is too interested in your sister? - Printable Version

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What to do if you suspect your husband is too interested in your sister? - Talkingless - 12-18-2012 09:49 PM

- Respectedbubble983 - 12-18-2012 09:57 PM

You put him in the kennel overnight.

- lowvegetable352 - 12-18-2012 09:57 PM

Don't invite the sister over often or when you are not going to be there. Never leave them alone together. Try and discreetly find out what he finds interesting about your sister, try and spend more time with your husband, do things that interest both of you, take an interest in what he does, be interested in him.
If you want to hang onto him and prevent him straying, you have to work at it. You have to make him want you and to make him have no reason to look elsewhere.

- Good Life by Love - 12-18-2012 09:57 PM

seek couples counseling

You need to sit down and talk in a private place with time to talk. Hug your partner while saying soft and sweet you love him sooo much and you want this to be forever, it needs to be him and you only. No more exs, no more friends that is girls and just him and you.Not even flirting,looking or thinking of them. When yes then kiss. This will make your relationship very happy. A good life
Arguing is normal but is it good, no, so make sure it is 7 years no arguments. After 7 solid years of perfect marriage then a child if desired.

If things are minor I usually just wouldn't even give it a second thought. If it is major I just fix it the best way and that's it. Maybe this will be a good method for you guys. Always reinforce it with Love

Also I see premarital counseling working.Church usually has it for free. You can even attend after marriage.

. I hope you can be stay at home wife ([no school]events with guys around unless your husband is there 100%) that takes care of all the woman things and he is taking care of all the man things like lifting, fixing working outside and handling all those jerks, and if you do work outside you know what I mean. I hope you can be a home wife so the marriage can be a loving one with peace. He wants a feminine wife not a worker guy. If you make double what he makes he should stay home.
*Talking is good. Find a private place to talk with time to talk. Never teach, just inform if necessary and in a meek manner. Handle the kids and teach them with few words and listen well, pay attention to details. If some parts kids can't be handled then inform the husband.
*Be a good wife and make sure all the cooking and cleaning is done. Stay Fit, Smell Good, Dress well. Make sure to make love when ever either of you want.
*Be meek. Quick to listen, slow to speak. Only tell him things when needed. Never teach him. If you do tell him something make sure it is kindly. Handle the kids, and if you notice you can't for sure then inform him in a kindly way.
*Hugs and kisses are always good any time, instead in front of the guys otherwise the guys might want some too. Make sure to let him know to keep the making love part private.
*Remember your NEVER a push over, you LOVE so you give BUT if your ever taken advantage fix it asap with a calm talk in a private place with time to talk while hugging and ending it with a kiss and maybe love.
*Make sure your spouse can handle things, like if he is not good with money maybe he should handle it. I mean like saving for a 6 month rainy day and then increase that as much as you can as time goes on. Buy a house cash small to start and then bigger when you decide and ready to have a child so the child can stay in one community for their whole school life and a place to come home always during Holidays and for you to plant your plants and watch them grow and to grow old in, make sure to pay cash or go smaller if needed or just wait on the child/bigger home, peace is most important. Retirement, Vacations.

Also I see counseling working.

On another note: Try your best. Love like you never love before. This is the best way for love to come and start surrounding your life. May love be around you, through you and is you.

Love and the Good Life will come
Email me if you have another further statements
P.P.S. More & daily words of encouragements TWITTER my account is = @glhww
P.P.P.S. Majority of my answers are for the majority, there are many variables to consider always
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