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What do my Ex Girlfriend's Mind Games Mean? Helpppp? - GKowalski - 12-19-2012 07:14 AM

We have been broken up for about 8 months. We dated for 7 months and saw eachother every day and loved eachother very much. Talked about having children and traveling together. I took her on a dinner cruise for her bday and bought her a diamond necklace. And wrote her a card telling her how special she was to me. I love her still, but I know theres no way I can take her back. She broke up with me saying its not you its me. I need to do this for me. I have to get things straight. She texted me that she couldnt love me b/c she loved her ex and we were puppy love.

Then 2 weeks later shes with her ex, dumps him in a month and is with this new guy. This new guy used to text her when we were together. Anyways she is still with him. He is one of those dbags that wears the affliction shirts and a hat always. I tried to get back with her in november telling her I still love her and my feelings. She said the timings not right and that i shouldnt wait for her. I asked if she missed me or had feelings for me still. She replied with I dont know what to happy. So I told her to leave me alone totally and shes not the girl i thought she was. About two months later she texts me saying one of her cousins is preggo or whatever. Totally random why do I care. So we text alittle. Then another 3 weeks go by and another text from her asking what i was up to on a friday night. Then another 3 weeks go bye and she texts me to ask me what times church. I am so confused. Now she just friend requested me on facebook. I deleted her back in November! So I accepted her request. Thinking whatever its no big deal. But as i thought about it more, i realized i dont want her prying into my life. I mean she made the decision to leave my life so why let her still be apart of it indirectly. And i really don't want to see what shes up to with her new dude. Because I feel cheated like that should be me. So I deleted her again. I am getting over her and she is trying to **** with my head again. I have been with 4 other girls since her. I'll admit though she is the one I want. I really felt a connection to this girl I never felt before she was my first love. On her facebook I saw she broke up and got back with this current guy like 3 times. And she didnt have like any lovey dovey messages from him on her wall. When she added me she removed the notification from her wall immediatly that we were friends again. And like last night she posts like for the first time in a long time on her wall some cutesy message about grilling with her baby or whatever. Oh and get this the day she added me on fb i saw her on the street walking and she turned smiling and looked at me in my car then turned her head the next second and kept walking.

Anyways, do you think it was immature of me to delete her as a friend? Do you think it was wrong of me? Why do you think she is all of a sudden contacting me? What does this facebook stuff she did make you think? I am doing it for me not because I'm trying to be mean to her. I wish we could get back together but thats only going to happen if she begs b/c i am not going back with a wishy washy girl.

- Lesley M - 12-19-2012 07:22 AM

It's not a mind game. She is trying to be honest with you and just be friends, but you can't handle just being friends. It sounds like neither of you is mature enough for dating.

- agreeabletrail880 - 12-19-2012 07:22 AM

Sounds like the only reason she wants you back is because she is between boyfriends.