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How can I get a celebs attention to retweet me on twitter? - Printable Version

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How can I get a celebs attention to retweet me on twitter? - L. - 10-08-2012 02:07 PM

I can kinda angry when Jared Leto doesn't reply to me on twitter. I've done 58 tweets just to him, he replyed to my friend , but she did 566 tweets to him in the past.
& has anyone replyed to your tweets before?

- BILL - 10-08-2012 02:15 PM

Don't tweet just to him, you're a stalker. Say something interesting so everybody will retweet it.

- Oliver - 10-08-2012 02:15 PM

Tell them they will get a free nose job :]

- Eden Gottlieb - 10-08-2012 02:15 PM

use this:
if your desperet. it costs money, but can do the job...

- ContentSynergy - 10-08-2012 02:15 PM

While some celebrities do their own tweeting, many use professional services to handle most of their updates. Almost all celebs - along with other power users - use software to monitor tweets mentions, hash tags, etc. rather than the default twitter page.

To increase the chances of a celeb retweeting you, you need to follow the celebrity and note what hash tags they favor, what they retweet now, etc. Follow some the same people they follow. Get an idea of what subjects and hash tags catches their attention. Note that if they NEVER retweet you have little chance of changing that behavior.

Now that you know their favorite tags and subjects, you need to create original tweets on the same subject using the same hash tags.

Finally, collecting some of your best tweets on a subject, write the celebrity (subject to another answer lol) and let them know how they influenced you on the subjects and include your twitter handle. Obviously this works best for celebs with causes, but works also re: product endorsements.