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Relationship Issues, please help? - Printable Version

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Relationship Issues, please help? - Happyanimal523 - 12-19-2012 09:52 AM

Okay so I've been with my girlfriend for a few weeks now, I know what you're thinking, it's only been a few weeks but the fact is we've been dancing around eachother for a while now
Everything was great between us, we were getting along famously and she seemed to adore me.
She spends a weekend at my house and then as soon as she gets home she starts playing up.
First she says on her facebook that she has feelings for someone else and she wants to break up with me. That pissed me off mainly because she said it in a place firstly where other people could read it, including myself and didn't just say it to my face
Then we break up because of that stupid comment
And then we get back together ON THE SAME NIGHT cause her explanation was 'attention seeking'
She's been really cold towards me since and hasn't been communicating to me as she usually does, but she's been the same with everyone else
And i'm starting to think she DOES like someone else, and she's not just bullshitting about that

I'm not sure what to do
I like her a lot but should I just break up with her or stick with it?

Help please Sad

- Phoenix - 12-19-2012 10:00 AM

just ask yourself, how much crap can you take, and you will get your answer.

- Ughere - 12-19-2012 10:00 AM

I'm sorry, your going to have to break up with her and i know its seems hard now but you will fine someone else who treats you better :]]

- Don R - 12-19-2012 10:00 AM

Been there. Run away. It never gets better. Let this be someone else' problem. Whatever her excuse was, you were hurt. She might as well have punched you, except that would leave a bruise. At this point you say you like her a lot. That's not as strong as love her a lot. It's not as hard to leave "like" as it is to leave "love". Call yourself lucky you didn't go further. If she does like someone else, that someone is getting an emotional beating too. Stay out of facebook where she is. That will become a "bad neighborhood" for awhile.

- Bunny7 - 12-19-2012 10:00 AM

First of all I THINK she has 'issues' that have really nothing to do with you...although they will AFFECT you in a negative way. Yes, you were right to be offended by her 'public' notification of wanting to break up and being 'interested' in someone else. A LOT of what I am going to tell you is 'my gut feeling' verses any real knowledge of your situation. I THINK your mention of 'attention getting' is a big CLUE. I think you have picked a person who is 'looking for love and happiness' but doesn't know it when she sees it PROBABLY because of family or past related issues. It could also be that she suffers from some mental problem since it seems there is an 'outbreak' of young people being diagnosed with ADD and other things. MANY things could be the culprit, but the most important thing for you to KNOW is that 'it isn't YOU!'
I think at this point NO ONE would satisfy her for long because a person must know 'what love is' before they can see it and experience it for themselves! I think she is searching but when she thinks she has FOUND her 'happiness' ........INSIDE she just doesn't FEEL HAPPY. So she is SAD and COLD for a while...because she doesn't understand why happiness is SO ELUDING for her.
The problem is INSIDE her...not with the people around her or her circumstances. But she doesn't KNOW that she keeps 'playing games' to continue to SEARCH for this elusive 'love and happiness.'
Now the sad part......I THINK truly that she probably IS STILL looking for someone else or may even ALREADY have her 'eye' on the NEXT potential "LOVE." But she is 'hanging on to you still, for SUPPORT in case it doesn't work out.' If she were 'undamaged' and dealing with life correctly she would either KNOW you are the 'one and only' for now anyway and be 'satisfied' or she would break it off and be certain SOMEONE ELSE was the 'one and only.' The way she is PLAYING IT, is by holding on (or trying to) to what she has to try to make sure and HOPE that the 'next person' is it BEFORE she completely lets you go. The next person won't be it.......and neither will the one after that...but (and this IS IMPORTANT) the FEELING SHE GETS...THE THRILL of finding 'other loves' that SEEM to want her....FEEDS what is lacking inside of her. So she keeps JUMPING from one to another for the FEELING of being special and loved.
I don't think you are up for the job of taking on this type of 'problem child.' Don't be mean...leave your friendship in tact...feel sorry for her and if you WANT to then TRY to talk to her about what her ISSUES might be. She may need more of a FRIEND that will listen and HELP HER than she needs a lover right now.
I was at a cemetary once and will NEVER forget the inscription on ONE simple grave. It gave the name of a woman (or young girl) and said simply... "All she every wanted was to be loved." HOW SAD!!! I think your 'young lady' is somewhat the same...she is searching for a love that she never finds probably because of some 'perhaps hidden' tragedy in her life growing up...and her INABILITY to be 'whole enough' to RECOGNIZE this elusive love OR to know how and WHEN to HOLD ONTO IT!
Blessings and Hope this Helps You,