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Did I do something wrong...? - Printable Version

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Did I do something wrong...? - Nicole - 12-23-2012 01:28 AM

I really like this boy who is a senior (im a junior). I've liked him since freshman year. He is on the football team and like two weeks ago, our football team had this really huge win over the number one team in the state (making us number one). anyway i messaged him on facebook saying "you did really good in the game the other night and congrats on the big win" and he never responded. My friend seems to believe he is with this girl but that girl has a boy friend who is a freshman in college. Did i do anything wrong? should i not be afraid to walk by him in the halls because he never responded back? I'm just really confused. Do you think he thinks that i now like him because i messaged him on facebook>

- Molly - 12-23-2012 01:36 AM

Noo don't be embaresed and Naa he wouldn't know that just let it be and see if he ever talked to you. If he didn't respond he's probobly not interested maybe your too young for him.

- Xhilo - 12-23-2012 01:36 AM

Actually your message to him was that of innocence and does not hint at any affection towards him. You simply told him he did a good job and congratulations. The fact that he did not answer does not necessarily mean that you like him. Sometimes I myself do not reply to a facebook message because I don't notice the notification icon....or maybe he is one of those people who has facebook and doesn't use it?? Nothing wrong was done. Don't be afraid to walk by him. And If you messaged me saying that...I wouldn't automatically think that you liked me Smile
Good luck Smile