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honest and kind opinions on this marriage??10 points? - Printable Version

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honest and kind opinions on this marriage??10 points? - Lindsay F - 10-08-2012 02:24 PM

1-A wealthy,good looking,famous and successful guy coming from a rich family.I m a very close relative of this guy so please.we are like very close and i really feel bad here so please answer.
2-After marriage and before marriage(number of blond dates,used to sexually harass girls who rejected him), just in 2007 it self i saw pix of him sitting very closely with three blondes at a restaurant,all who wear scantily dressed,midriffs showing and later one of those blondes was sitting on his lap while he was shirtless and showing his wedding ring to the camera and another blond was kissing him on his cheeks.He got himself pictured as well.
3-I have seen pictures in which he was seen with a blond girl, with whom he was cuddling from behind, had his arms on her chest and neck, kissing her head at an almost empty restaurant and was laughing and joking
4-He was also pictured intimately with his close friend,head tilted,touching her head,his hand on her waist ,in a parking lot of their workplace in the dark of 5 years (who is 7 years younger than him and with whom he used to sit beside at his sessions,talking to her,holding her hands,even gave a pic of her in a magazine who's guest editor)
Then in June last year thrashed her publicly on radio for being a **** and the 10 men he knows. she slept with. And who she must be sleeping with while he’s talking and was in a sexual affair with her
5-ON TWITTER AND IN PUBLIC-He says family time is so important and so valuable and he needs time with family so he took break from work for 3 weeks, and writing such things’ mean who is his family and then he cheats??He kisses her in the crowds only when his admirers can see,when he can't show the world that hes kissing his wife,she sits backstage with her troop of friends..
And then on twitter he keep writing things about her like shes am back on twitter(as people had said horrible things to her so she left)showing her photo with friends on twitter that she went to a Saturday night show
saying happy birthday to her on twitter when they live together, time needed to be with family after he took a break from work(everything on twitter)
Like spreading news that they are going to Hawaii for a 'FAMILY"vacation when he took a break three weeks ago. On her birthday (11th Jan) but didn't mention that they are going on her birthday, instead wrote happy birthday to her on twitter when we live together!
6-his wife is unperturbed by it and spends her days getting photographed with her friends clearly showing no concern,enjoying his fame,luxury and status..husband used to do drugs but did nothing to stop him after he stopped breathing from overdose then she called the ambulance.
who blatantly posts pictures of herself and her dozen girl friends,dressed in gaudy clothes in bars,restaurants,bedrooms,stadiums,beach… all over social networking sites and is least bothered about what he does.always clicking her weird postures.When they went to Bahamas 2 weeks ago she clicked her own pictures and one picture of the guy kissing his daughter which he must have asked her to he loves getting photographed with his daughter.
and is always dressed up and happy.
7-BUT when wife went to watch him perform she moved away from him, the moment she saw him coming near her, even though he wasn't even coming towards her. She said something and SHIFTED away immediately!!!. THAT WAS Shocking!!!mean why would a WIFE move away from her own Hubby in public??!!
she was a simple gym instructor and the two met at a bar in 04 where he asked her number,she gave it to him saying if you can memorize it then call.the got engaged in 05,married in 07 and had a baby in 08 as the guy was desperate for a baby.
i want to make one thing clear,before you call my cousin a bad guy take a look at the woman.if she seriously loved him she would have been broken by now but she isn't.she happily gets herself photographed with her dozen friends in weird postures.she hosts parties,and is completely at ease even when her hubby spoke about another woman's sex life.while those who condemned it she wasn't even bothered that he has feelings for someone else.
she jumps into lavish public events where she isn't even needed,her hubby doesn't even take pictures with her,pays no attention to her,people don't pay any attention to her nor take her pictures yet she comes dainty dressed.
If she loved him so much then why isn't she affected???.she was seen in husband's documentary but if she loved him then why were her kissing and hugging scenes called contrived and fake by the everyone who saw it??
what sort of woman suddenly walks up and hugs hubby when hes wearing his bags??when her hubby kissed her,he in fact got serious and bent his eyes while she was still smiling!
have seen men with his wife but they are carefully hidden in the photos,like you could only see their legs or arms.

- SHASHANK - 10-08-2012 02:32 PM

don have time read this...dont waste our time...its ur desicion u want to get married or not...better u dont spoil his life...get lost