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One Direction Fans - W.T.F? - Jason - 01-04-2013 11:34 PM

I suppose the adolescent section is best to post this seeing as 99.999% of their fans are teenage girls or gay teenage boys.

Why on earth are their fans so mental about them I made a post about them on twitter that mocked them then logged off, I checked back in a few hours later and hate litterally thousands of replies from teenage girls saying along the lines of "don't you dare insult 1D" and "who do you think you are scumbag" etc.. I have had a ton of death threats from loads of different 13/14/15 year old girls haha at least it was funny at first now can't see f.u.c.k all in my e-mail inbox because I get an e-mail anytime someone speaks to me on twitter so my inbox is filled with thousands of messages ffs.

So why the hell do teenage girls go that mental over 5 boys who make poor to adverage pop music and can't sing for ****. Every bloody day all you se on twitter is comments about them you get girls crying hysterically over them and refusing to let anyone make negative comments about them.

I wonder if they will all feel like a spaz when they look back at it in 5 years time.

- Jack - 01-04-2013 11:42 PM

They are the most pathetic excuse music has ever produced but music is not about music anymore , it's about money for the big labels , there are only a few major labels around nowadays unlike the old days were there was a lot more labels , what it meant was , the labels had to make good quality ,talented music to be a successfull label , however , in recent times, has seen a few labels take complete control , this means they don't have to make good music anymore and can sell ANYTHING , they have a link with the media and will strike deals to get their "acts" into the faces of the millions .
They realise the easiest and most profit to be made is from teenage girls , simply because they will believe anything if it looks nice , they will try and fit in to be "cool" and won't illegallly download the music because they don't have the brain capacity to do so . Major record labels dont mind making crap music that will sell to millions of teenage girls , as it's more profitable than making good quality sophisticated music that will only sell to a few thousand

- Holla-At-Me - 01-04-2013 11:42 PM

I'm a fan of One Direction and no, I don't act all mental and fangirl-like when someone insults them or if I went to their concert. Everyone has their own opinions on music and I respect that. I don't act like some other One Direction fans telling the people to gtfo when they insult the band. Sometimes I'm ashamed of my own generation and the way they treat people. :/