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Will he ever talk to me again and reconcile? - Printable Version

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Will he ever talk to me again and reconcile? - Sophia - 01-07-2013 02:26 AM

My bf and I are 20 and have been together for a year. He broke up with me 5 days ago. We had a date night, and were great. He was calling me babe and kept kissing me. However, before our date, he texted me saying "dinner or sex? You can only pick one. I'll only make time for one". That hurt and felt degrading, although he said later on that he was just kidding when he saw I was mad. After dinner, we had sex in his car. Before I even put my clothes back on, he called his friends and pretended that they needed him to leave right then and there so they could get high. That was the second week in a row he did that where he just ran off after sex. I was hurt. I later told him that he made me feel more used than my ex(who he hates) ever did. He read it at 11:52pm and 1 min later at 11:53pm without thinking about it (I think he was still high and/or drunk from hanging with his friends), he texted saying "I didnt use you for sh*t. I gave you the option of sex or dinner and I gave you both. So I guess I'm done with you". I stopped contacting him after that since he ignored my phone call. I know a part of him is waiting for me to talk first, begging for him back since I always do, but I'm staying strong this time. I usually call 20x (literally) and beg him to communicate and work it out, just to have him make me list all the reasons why I want it to work and what's so great about him than finding some other guy. After I tell him, he'd laugh and say "okay babe, we're fine again. Don't stress".

We work across from each other at the mall (he works at Opa; I work at Foot Locker) and when he's seen me since then, he keeps looking at me. Even my coworkers noticed that during his break, he kept turning around to look at me and it looked like he and his coworkers kept talking about me. The mall is also connected to my university, so my friends and I eat in the food court near him during our breaks between classes, where I made sure to look nice and was always laughing. They have all caught him look several times, and he just keeps staring. They say it looks like his heart stops when he sees me me in the food court, then just stares from that point on after. I've seen him every day for the last 3 days.

I also deleted him off fb, twitter and tumblr so he has no access to information about me or my feelings whatsoever because my friends said he should be the one to work for it, and not just take the easy route of a text or inbox msg. I am also his first real girlfriend (his longest girl before was 2 months). But lets face it, he took me for granted. Does this mean he could possibly miss me and regret what he did out of anger? Do you think he'll ever speak to me again?

- koko - 01-07-2013 02:34 AM

You don't need new to tell you this bit hoy reserve better....

Now that I said that, a year is a long time. And leaving is a while lot easier said then done. You love him and you aren't finished yet. But he can't treat you like he does either.

it does seen that he expected you to come back by now. The least he can do is come back to you. Keep holding out. ;p

- shadowtalker1 - 01-07-2013 02:34 AM

" Does this mean he could possibly miss me and regret what he did out of anger? Do you think he'll ever speak to me again?"

What does it matter? Do you actually ever plan on being with this worthless POS again? (I'm hoping your answer is 'no.')

Ignore him, keep deleting him, and move on with your life. You deserve better than him.

- Caitlin - 01-07-2013 02:34 AM

I think that he acted irresponsibly and disrespectfully. I think he regrets what he did, but if he has done it several times before, it sounds like he would do it again. He brushed off your feelings very casually and didn't try very hard to make you feel better.

I think HE should be worried about YOU talking to HIM again! You didn't do anything wrong (although deleting him off every social network was a bit far). I think you should wait for him to come forward and apologize. Don't beat yourself up over this breakup, it will get better.

- Gina - 01-07-2013 02:34 AM

I know you said if he might've done this out of anger. Well, HE shouldn't be the one who was angry, you should've been. (which you were) Man tend to do this very often, they do something wrong and automatically turn things around to make it seem like WE are the ones who messed up. Trust me I know from experience.

My suggestion is; keep doing what you're doing. The less you make it seem you're hurt (because you are, i'm sure) the more it'll get to him and he will realize what he's done. It's hard to stand your ground, i know, but see if he tries to contact you. This happened with my boyfriend (now fiance) about a year ago. He kept taking me for granted and i too would call him and would try to work things out even when i wasn't the one who messed up. One day we got into an argument and i had had enough. Stopped talking to him deleted his email,phone number, off fb. Took him two months to realize things. I took him back, then he messed up again. That's when he left for the Army, one day i got a call from him and eventually we worked things out now we're engaged. So i'll stop ramblin' on, just stand your ground because you did nothing wrong. Good luck!

- Suzy Q - 01-07-2013 02:34 AM

For goodness sake, show some dignity. I've answered this 'sex or dinner' story several times already, and you've posted it countless times more.

About the guy: good riddance. Hope he stays away.

About you: you need some serious counseling for those low self-esteem issues of yours. The way you were acting in this relationship and the way you're handling this breakup, it's all extremely unhealthy. If you don;t get help, you'll just find yourself in the next sick relationship, and the next and the next until you finally get a clue and realize YOU have a problem you really need to fix.