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boyfrien + his best girl friend situation!! help!!!? - Printable Version

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boyfrien + his best girl friend situation!! help!!!? - coscot - 01-07-2013 04:03 AM

so luke had a girlfriend for 10 months and never slept with her, they fought all the time, evetually, he cheated on her with his best friend (who was also friends with his girlfriend) when they were drunk. then again when they were sober and never told her. now im going out with him, at first i liked his bestfriend and me and her used to hang out all the time. then i got pregnant, had an abortion and a week later found out that i also had an STD. the STD could have only been from my boyfriend as ive never slept with anyone else, and apart from his best friend he had only slept with me and and another virgin so it had to be from his bestfriend. I was so stressed about the abortion and std and his friend was saying it coulnt be from her which made me and my boyfriend both angry. they stopped talking for months. now me and my boyfriend have been dating for 7 months, and him and his bestfriend have just started talking again and hanging out. i can see they are getting really close again but i hate her. i tried to explain to him that everything about her reminds me of the abortion and she stressed me out so much but he doesnt get it. i told him im not going to stop him from seeing her, i even make an effort with her! i ended up inboxing her apologising for accusing her, whenever we go out i always go up and say hi to her, and i inbox her occasionally to say hey and make a fucking effort. not once in the last five months has she tried to inbox me and be nice to me or come up to me first or anything. all she cares about is becoming best friends with luke again. and i think she wants him as more then a bestfriend. they have slept together once, i knew when i started going out with him and i was okay with it because i thought me and her were friends too, now i do not like her atasll because of the std, the reminders of my abortion annnnnd she makes no effort to try and be my friend. Luke hates talking about her with me and it always ends in a fight, i know they used to be so close they'd tell each other everything but if his old girlfriend and her used to be friends then ended up disliking each other and the same thing has happened with me, isnt there something wrong with her??? am i being paranoid or is something seriously wrong here because i dont know what to do, if she made an effort to talk to me maybe i'd be alright, but on the other hand the thought of her makes me so angry and jealous i dont know.i try not saying anything but i just get hurt.... he told me he just wanted to talk to her so thigns would be cool when we were out places and she was there, but now they text all the time and comment on photos and inbox.... next thing they'll be catching up after school and having sleepovers like they used to.... what should i ask my boyfriend to do?????
btw his bestfriend doesnt know about the pregnancy or abortion...

- Good Life by Love - 01-07-2013 04:11 AM

This guy is like a kis. He is not husband or father material. Move on

He is a cheater.
He doesn't respect you
He LOVES the other girl more than you
He fights with you
He got you STD
He likes to hang around other girls

too much, move on

Look at the sky, look at the tree. The joy from everything around you is your happiness.

Your free right now so take advantage of it.

You never know maybe he was just a jerk, politely saying. Good that he is gone, make sure he doesn't come back. Be strong for your sake.

Relationships are obligation, yet enjoyment, but there is responsibilities. Make sure this is the way you want to go.

If you do, join chat rooms, clubs, hobbies and meet people that like what you like.

There is so much you can do, start with little steps and keep at it.

If you do, join chat rooms, clubs, hobbies and meet people that like what you like.

There is so much you can do, start with little steps and keep at it.

On another note you seem to be a very nice person, so I like to add that what ever person you want a serious relationship with, take your time (years) and really really really see if this is the person you will spend your whole life with. If you can even better never get married and just enjoy your life with nothing serious, make sure the other party knows your intentions. I also like to add though, in marriage it is a different kinda love, a very valuable kinda love. Always do whats best for everyone like what you did when you asked this question,

Try your best. Love like you never love before. This is the best way for love to come and start surrounding your life. May love be around you, through you and is you.

Love and the Good Life will come

P.S. Email me if you have another further statements
P.P.S. More & daily words of encouragements TWITTER my account is = @glhww
P.P.P.S. Majority of my answers are for the majority, there are many variables to consider always
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