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Why does the school block Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube on my laptop (MacBook Air) AT HOME!?!?!?!? - Printable Version

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Why does the school block Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube on my laptop (MacBook Air) AT HOME!?!?!?!? - tinybanana061 - 10-08-2012 03:04 PM

The people responsible for this are obviously retards. I'm smart, I know everything, so I don't need to sit there and listen to teachers ramble on about crap that I already know, and I never asked to be in school, its something i'm forced to do by the government. In reality you only use what you learned in elementary school, unless you wanna be an architect or something difficult like that.

But, to get to the point.... When i'm at home, why are they still trying to tell me what I can and can't be on??? They need to just relax, take a chill pill, get out of my personal life, and mind their own business.

The more they block, the harder we're going to try to (and succeed at) get around their systems. The more they block, the more illegal things we (the students) are going to get into. I mean, we're already doing illegal things now just to get on facebook and twitter. Do they really think some blocks, suspensions, or yelling is going to make us stop???

- Brad - 10-08-2012 03:12 PM

Can't tell if trolling or just stupid.

Because its the schools wi-fi and if a bunch of stupid ass teenagers are constantly downloading things, or refreshing their Facebook page it is going to take up bandwidth for the rest of the school, which teachers need as an education tool. Also, I have never once heard of a school blocking what you can view at home. There is absolutely no way they can do that, Web lock programs only work on the schools network and should have no effect on your computer when not at school. Unless of course the MacBook Air is school property which they gave you, then you need to shut the fuck up, because your school gave you a $2000 piece of technology and all you do is bitch about how it won't let you go on certain websites.