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Does this make me a creeper on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram? - Printable Version

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Does this make me a creeper on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram? - Anna - 10-08-2012 03:07 PM

So here's what had happened: So, I went to prom with this guy who goes to a different school but our schools are very close socially because theyre both private and we're in the same sports division. I kinda knew certain people from going to sports events and dances and what not but I never had a one-on-one conversation with them. So I followed some on twitter, facebook, and instagram. Then this girl, Brianna, who is good at photography posts pics on instagram and when she followed me back I went to her page and like a few. I think I also favortied a few tweets cause they were funny. Then she tweets "I feel like I'm being spied on. If you want to know me talk to me, dont just creep my instagram/twitter #realtalk" I'm kinda assuming she meant me since this all happened today. I thought now a days people followed and friended aquaintances and not just close friends. And for another example, i fb messaged a girl who I saw at the prom/have been fb friend with for a while and asked where she got her prom dress because it was pretty and I had trouble finding cute/unique dresses this prom season and she didnt reply. Am I a creeper? I do live pretty far away and I dont see these people at my school so its not like i can just see them and talk to them whenever. I know I sound like a melodramatic girl, but I really dont want to offend/creep out anyone

- Jeff - 10-08-2012 03:15 PM

Teenage girls always type WAY too much on their questions. Basically yes you kind of are being a "creeper" but he also opened himself to let anyone follow him so I wouldn't feel bad about it.

- K~Mac12 :D - 10-08-2012 03:15 PM

Bring it up in a private message. Or in public kinda jokingly. I.e. "hey girl, this is a great picture! Sorry for being such a creeper but I think you're a great photographer!" Or something like that maybe.
Also, fir future reference, when you follow/friend someone you're not really friends with, its better to just look without commenting/liking everything and then if you think its ok, you could bring it up in conversation later. Just don't recall specifics like date or quotes from it.

Hope I helped Smile

- Monica - 10-08-2012 03:15 PM

iwouldnt call it a creeper more like admiringxD follow me @ohkaymomo please! ill return the favor