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Why is my boyfriend so addicted to Facebook and Twitter? - Printable Version

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Why is my boyfriend so addicted to Facebook and Twitter? - gypsyism - 10-08-2012 03:08 PM

I have never seen someone on these websites as much as him. As soon as he wakes up it's straight to his phone to check FB and Twitter, along with posting updates. He updates several times throughout the day and is always checking it. When he's on it, it's like I don't even exist, he just disappears into his little virtual dream world. I think it's so stupid. I mean I get on there periodically, I very rarely post updates, and I definitely never get on when I'm with him. RUDE! I just don't understand why some people are so interested in what everyone else is doing, and posting stupid updates that very few people even care to read. As much as I'd love to read a play by play of your day, some silly lyrics, or your daily b*tchings, IM SO GOOD. Why is he so addicted? Does he just crave a lot of attention or what? How do I get him to chill out? bugs the crap out of me!!

- the DT - 10-08-2012 03:16 PM

You're a gypsy... move on. Really, that is very rude and some people mistake posting on fb and twitter as having a life. He should respect your time together unless this is an activity that you both participate in. Clearly you are more mature than him.

- B.B. Wolf - 10-08-2012 03:16 PM

He's addicted to the internet ... Tell him to get help (he'll probably say he doesn't have a problem , you do ) .... If he won't get help , move on and find someone who is not caught up in this addiction.............

- Bridge - 10-08-2012 03:16 PM

I think many people do this because they are lonely. Like with alcohol, drugs, or gambling, some people simply get way hooked. I have seen some addicted people get completely fed up, delete their accounts, and then go out and spend more time in the "real" world. Perhaps your boyfriend will do this soon, paying more attention to you.

- Jane - 10-08-2012 03:16 PM

You must be boring if he'd rather be on his computer than talk to you.

- Get In Line - 10-08-2012 03:16 PM

A better question would be, why do you put up with it? You didn't say whether or not you've talked to him about it, but it's obvious that he's addicted to technology, and like any addict...will not change unless and until they have no other options.