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Never know what to tweet about? - Printable Version

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Never know what to tweet about? - Jenks513 - 01-07-2013 08:41 AM

I like using Twitter but I don't have a lot of followers and I never know what to tweet about! I hate people who tweet non-stop about what they're doing (like what they're having for lunch) so I'll never resort to that, and I find myself constantly tweeting about sport haha!! I'm passionate about sport and have lots of opinions and things to say about it, but I want to broaden my horizons and tweet about other stuff... Anybody got any suggestions for random tweets?

- Eric - 01-07-2013 08:49 AM

Twitter sucks.

- Yael - 01-07-2013 08:49 AM

Lol this might be very random but I found myself doing a 30 days drawing challenge on twitter. You have to draw a different thing everyday (like favourite food etc.) you don't have to be good at it it's just for fun. Anyway I also tweet my opinion about stuff like the news, and what I'm thinking or doing occasionaly.. Hope this was helpful.

- GarethC - 01-07-2013 08:49 AM

Try like lil bits of info from personal past experiences that u have had I use twitter and I tweet anything that catches my eye like the price of petrol I know it's a bit boring but it's a big conversation stater and also putting in hash tags are always gd as well and sometimes if ur lucky u can he a celeb to rt (retweet) you and then all of there followers will see it and maybe follow u as its #ff (followfriday) look under then hash tags and feed on them and u might get a follow back as well
I will follow u if u want me to as well just follow me first and will follow u back

- panda - 01-07-2013 08:49 AM

Get off twitter and do something worth while with your time. Seriously, what will twitter do for you?

- Barbellion - 01-07-2013 08:49 AM

Yeah tweet about the idiocy of the current trend in social media, perhaps criticize the 'tell-all' Generation for being so overstimulated on sites like Twitter, Myspace and Facebook, talk about what a huge waste of time all these sites are, and how utterly conform its making the population. Talk about the effects of this conformity, how it shackles the mind of men.