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Questionnaire to Complete? - CopperRed - 01-07-2013 08:37 PM

Hi, for my English Assessment I need to research how social media effects the way we speak. If you could answer the questions below in your answer, that would be great. Feel free to write a paragraph connecting some of the questions together. Thanks!
1. How often do you use digital communication in a week? (1 hour? 10 hours? None?)
2. What form of social media do you use? (twitter/skype/facebook/other)
3. What is your occupation?
4. What was/is your parents/ families occupation?
5. How old are you?
6. Do you like or dislike digital communication? Why?
7. Has your language shifted to suit digital communication? Do you think this is positive or negative?
8. Do you think digital communication changes our language positively or negatively?
9. Do you think people of different ages have different opinions on digital communication? Why?
10. Do you think people of different Jobs have contrasting opinions to digital communication? Why?
11. Do you think digital communication is better than face to face communication? Why?
12. Do you think you use more slang if you are more connected to digital communication? Why?

Please answer as fully as possible, thanks! Smile

- i18 - 01-07-2013 08:45 PM

1. Use it everyday for about an hour (if not on my laptop then on my phone)
2. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Skype, Hotmail, BBM, Whatsapp, texting
3. Student
4. Both in education
5. 17
6. I like digital communication because it allows you to keep in touch with friends and family abroad and it allows you to share information within seconds. It also allows you to know whats happening around the world.
7. Sometimes, yeah. But not that much. I think that it's negative though because so many people have incorrect spelling and grammar and that affects the way they talk. I also think that it's affected the way people understand certain text. In IMs people tend to use simpler words as they're easier to type and abbreviate however if it came to problem solving, many people would not be able to solve it as they may not understand the use of language which is bad.
8. Explained in question 7.
9. Yes definitely. The younger generations (such as myself) like the idea of digital communication as we can talk to our friends whenever we want and keep in touch with out family, we can also share pictures and videos a lot easier, which is cool. The older generations such as the parents and grandparents may not feel the same way as many of them don't actually know how to use modern technology and communication. So because of this, younger people may agree with having it, but older people may not.
10. Yes. People in large businesses or people who have to deal with communicating with several people at a time will think if modern technology as a good thing because it's easier to sue at work, make's their life easier, they can make business deals with people around the world easier. But people that don't need international communications on a daily bases may not think modern communication is that great.
11. To some extent i guess. i think more people have the courage to say whats on their mind over a phone or computer because they cant see the other person's reaction so they feel less worried, but somethings that need to be dealt with face to face are being done over things like Facebook which i think is wrong.
12. for me personally no. I used to use slang and a lot of abbreviations when i was a lot younger and when MSN was a huge deal Tongue but now i find it a lot easier to use correct language. But kids like to use the slang because it'e the new thing and everyone is using it. I think slang is used more over the internet and these types of communications because it's easier and quicker to type. And some people are just trying to sound 'badass' by using slang (which i think is pathetic but it happens)

Took me a while to complete that but i hope i was helpful Smile