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What did he mean when he said this? Should I be offended ? - Printable Version

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What did he mean when he said this? Should I be offended ? - MsKnowItaLL - 10-08-2012 03:24 PM

I asked this question earlier but I didn't get a direct answer.

A couple of months ago I got n trouble at school, I decided to skip a class and my teacher caught me and he called my then when I got home I told my mom that I didn't know I was suppose to go to that class today ( yea I told a little lie lol) and she believed me so she called him back arguing that it was a mistake I got my schedule mixed up and she also told my teacher she wanted to look at the camera so she can see exactly what happened.......the next morning my teacher called me in his class and he told me that he saw me on camera he saw me and my friends walking around he told me exactly what we did...I told him don't tell my mom because I'm gona be in allot of trouble I told him I was going to tell him what to say next time my mom call I wrote it all down...couple hours later my mom called him and he said everything I told him to say and my mom didn't want to look at the camera anymore ...the next day me and my teacher was talking and he said "ur mom believe every word u say huh....u always right in her eyes cause ur her baby and everybody lie on u huh" he had sarcasm in his voice...then he said u know what happen to girls like that and I was like no and he said I'm not gona say it because I don't want to bad mouth u and he wouldn't tell me...i wonder what he ment....

Then like 2 weeks later I was on twitter in his class and he saw exactly what I was doing though his computer, I was messaging my bf we were talking about sexual stuff...he called couple students to his computer to see it and after class 1 of them had told me everything friend told me that the teacher was going to mail it to my mom and I went n his class the next day and asked him about it he was like he didn't know what I was talking about then eventually he said well I shouldn't of been on twitter then I asked him what part did he read and he pulled it up on his screen (which means he lied about knowing) and I asked him how come he showed almost everybody n the class and he kept saying he didn't tell anyone...and I know that was a lie cause people n my class all said he was showing everyone....I asked him not to send it and he said hes not he's going to throw it away and he also said everything I do is wrong and I'm a liar ....ever since that he been acting so weird he randomly smirk at me and everybody in my class notice he pick me out the most...and he's always staring at me....when he's with other male teachers they fucking stare at me and I swear it feels like they talking about me.....

- love.spankling - 10-08-2012 03:32 PM

He sounds horrible. If it continues, report it to your school supervisor after you accumulate some proof. It's harassment imo.

- Drunkengoose455 - 10-08-2012 03:32 PM

He need's to be fired. He shouldn't have showed the whole class your conversation, that's just wrong. I would tell the principal.