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Is Congressman Wiener or any individual liable if they twitter a minor but are told they are adult? - Printable Version

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Is Congressman Wiener or any individual liable if they twitter a minor but are told they are adult? - R J - 01-07-2013 11:50 PM

I am just wondering if the person says they are of age is that ok or is it still the older persons fault even though they were fooled. This latest news is just news or something else.

- faintAmbassador535 - 01-07-2013 11:58 PM

If it is over the internet, he'd be no more liable than a porn website would be if the minor clicked on the "yes, I am over 18" button.

- team - 01-07-2013 11:58 PM

from what I understand, that's no excuse. Otherwise, all pedophiles would say "they didn't know"

- eugene jeep - 01-07-2013 11:58 PM

He may not be liable but one would certainly hope that they would exercise more care, seriously what kind of conversation do you have with a perfect stranger that makes you want to twitter a picture of your private parts? This is a man who helps makes decisions about the lives of millions of Americans, is asking for some common sense to much to ask for !

- rob3rtdagr8 - 01-07-2013 11:58 PM

breaking news.....he is at fault.....,.,wiener just checked into rikers island for some counseling with bubba

- justagrandma - 01-07-2013 11:58 PM

I don't know if that's gone to court.
It might depend on if there was any possible way for the adult to know if the minor was really a minor. Like if they met or exchanged pictures.Or if something in the emails indicated a reference to schools.
Keep in mind too that Weiner did not sext everyone he had contact with, its been a week now and only six people are mentioned. None of them minors. He had months long relationships with them, he didn't just do this to strangers on the first text. They also responded in kind.
I do find it odd (?) that the Fox reporters were already in the home when the police came.
Why were they there before the cops, and if this is a hoax will Fox also publish that?

- Top Source - 01-07-2013 11:58 PM "Sources close to the student said the girl followed AW on Twitter..The sources said...It's not clear..."


Yet more Foxaganda mud slinging:

"Sources said..."

"It's not clear..."

- justgetitright - 01-07-2013 11:58 PM

I seem to remember some TV show where pedophiles were caught going to the homes of young people for sex and they claimed that they did not know the person was that young. Did not make any difference since they were arrested as soon as the left the house.

Obviously a minor can lie, such as lying about their age to enter a porn site but these sites normally request validation of your age (normally a credit card) so it is really up to the person sending the material to ascertain that the person is an adult.

I would think that the girls account will be investigated to see if there are any messages to Weiner regarding her age, or any material on he page that would indicate that a reasonable person would think that they were a minor.

Weiner was asked if he could guarantee that no nude pictures of him were sent out and he said "No I can not guarantee that" The reason he could not give a guarantee is because he knew that they had been sent.
He was also asked if he could guarantee that no minors received any of the photographs and again he said "No I can not guarantee that" Now the only question is did he say that because he knew that they had been?

It would be unbelievable to me that the girl would not have had some correspondence with Weiner without ever stating that she heard him speak when her school visited DC.

This bastard needs to go to jail

- Paul Grass™℠ - 01-07-2013 11:58 PM

absolutely they are just as are 19 yr olds who have sex with a 16 yr old who said hse was 18, many of them are have been sent to prison and are now on sex offender lists