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How does raising taxes boost the Economy? #Obama? - Printable Version

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How does raising taxes boost the Economy? #Obama? - Pepsi - 01-08-2013 05:54 AM

Okay, so I know in general how taxes can stimulate the Economy.

So, we have to things. The Economy, and the Government. Government acts like the middle-man a bit, passing regulations, subsidies, etc, between consumer and producer of the economy.

If someone like car sells fail in the economy because, let's say, their are no roads, plus no transportation of goods, the economy might be slack a bit. But if the Government does its middle-man jobs of taxes, and uses that money to build roads, voila! They just boosted the economy.

But the problem now is, our Government rarely does that anymore. All the obvious economical boosters have been taken care of, and the tax revenue is used a lot simply to maintain what we have. Sometimes a small road will be added, but it's not too common.

So now, we have TONS of leftover money. Education is really the main thing that taxes are spent on to boost the economy now. Despite education growing, tax revenue is still way more than enough to support it. Same with medicare. You may think since medicare may seem slack at sometimes, that there isn't enough tax money for it, but that's not so. There's just not enough tax money allocated towards it.

So, if we have extra revenue, what is it spent on?


Look it up! Wait, also watch this video. Obama's vacations is only an example of millions. Here's a video of trillions:

In a sense, the Government isn't really part of the Economy, but the affect it a lot. They're like, as I said, the middle-man between consumer and producer. When the Government takes money out of the Economy via taxations, they're supposed to use it wisely to boost the Economy. But when you take the money out of the economy and WASTE it, especially with these "federal bailouts," IT'S GONE. Spending money overseas is literally giving the economy away. When the Government takes tax dollars and wastes them overseas, especially with the wars in Iraq (still going on, despite what you believe) and Afghanistan, it's hurtful to the economy.

Now, some people say, "oh, they're only taking it from the rich."

NEWSFLASH. The rich don't want to lose their money either! Personally, I feel the rich are taxes TOO much.

The rich are going to do everything in their power to keep their money. Higher lawyers, sue others, cut back on proper disposal of wastes, which leads to external costs.
Do you know what external costs are? Have you ever taken an economics class?

External costs = YOU.

You can't just raise the tax on the rich and not have to worry. Raising the tax on the rich will eventually come back around to YOU.

(I know this isn't Twitter, I just added the hash tag to indicate what I was referencing)

- Aleconomixt - 01-08-2013 06:02 AM

30% on defense, 30% on social security and benefits, 30% on healthcare(s).
State prevails.
Somehow, Americans vote republicans ... so soul of George Washington says
" forgive them for they know not what they do ."

Americans have not yet tasted "disaster by too much freedom " .... just see what stupid Indians ( populace in landmass in south Asia) made of themselves in 20 years as "disaster by too much freedom "

- Dafuq - 01-08-2013 06:02 AM

You can't. Any sane person would agree that higher taxation makes no sense.
People just support it because they're democrat and their democratic leader supported it. The party is more important than reality.

1. You did not answer the question, just avoided it.
2. Funny thing is, George Washington agrees with Republicans on most current issues.
Don't quote someone who disagrees with your own argument.

- Richard B - 01-08-2013 06:02 AM

money has no value of its own. kept in jar it is worthless

money in circulation IS the economy, goods and services created and exchanged

the government does not keep anything, everything that comes in goes out and in addition new money is created by selling government IOUs based on the faith that it can and will repay from future growth

the government cannot WASTE money. I can waste my money by spending it on something useless but government money goes around and around

get the idea?

the rich mostly use their money to acquire more money by investing in "financial transactions" rarely by producing new goods or services

if a rich guy buys a diamond and puts it away how does the economy grow? especially if he just waits a few years and sells it to somebody else who is richer?

- JosephV - 01-08-2013 06:02 AM

agree that taxes should NOT be too high. There might be some legal hurdle that can be placed by the American government to stop Obama from raising the taxes. If you go by the letter of the law, you are sure to find that certain taxes are illegal and must be cut down. This is the only sure hope I could come up with.

- Spotty J - 01-08-2013 06:02 AM

Did you actually have a question, or did you just want to publish a book-length rant?