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WILL ME AND MY FRIEND EVER SPEAK AGAIN? PLZ HELP!? - mika! - 01-08-2013 06:25 AM

me and my best friend fell out over a yr ago. We had a tough time last yr. His dad had a heart attack and my brother was depressed and taking cocaine which i had to deal with w/o my parents knowing. We then fell out and living together at that time made it worse. He then removed me as a friend on twitter and facebook and said to me that he never intended to be friends again and just said that to me. Now i did say to him b4 this that i was ending the friendship which hurt him.

Then during the last month living with him i said on twitter after a bad exam that it went worse than living with him and i mentioned his name. I know nw being less stressed that i was wrong bt so was he. I do deep down love him and wud go to the ends of the world to help him. After we stopped livin together last may i wud txt him once a month or more askin how he was and that i was sorry. He has nt responded. Shud i wait for him to contact me?

- anonymous sender - 01-08-2013 06:33 AM

Long story. Didnt feel like reading so ya whatever :/

- A Morgan - 01-08-2013 06:33 AM

Just wait awhile and if he doesn't go to hi house and talk to him..... I hope this helps and good luck with your friend!Smile

- Masterachieve349 - 01-08-2013 06:33 AM

I dont know if your mate will come around tbh,I've been in a situation where a friend said they were 'done with the friendship' but then,even though we tried being friends after that comment,I couldnt hack it after two days and pretty much I never spoke to them again (thats a long story). Even though you've tried to repatch things I doubt your mate will come around,I say move on with life and if they ever do come around then it happens. But even so,you may have changed your mind if they do. Its complicated.

- Johnathan Stover - 01-08-2013 06:33 AM

Texting? Texts are passive and easy to ignore. Grab a friends cell phone and call him.he may hang up or he may talk but you have a much better chance of getting a response if you actually speak to him.

- Avilina - 01-08-2013 06:33 AM

Will you and your friend ever speak again? well that is up to you and up to him as well. You are both probably waiting for the other to make a move. Ask him if he truly wants nothing to do with you, tell him how you feel and how this is hurting you. And don't do it through a text or inbox try to see him in person. Don't give up on him, because then you will be living your life wondering, 'what if'...

- gentlechannel550 - 01-08-2013 06:33 AM

maybe.... :/

- thefifthkeeper - 01-08-2013 06:33 AM

You can only be responsible for your part in both the fight and in whatever chances there are of making up. What will give you peace of mind? Knowing that you have swallowed your pride and made an honest and humble apology will go a long way in achieving that. However you may wish to follow that apology by offering the hand of friendship in no uncertain terms and by also letting your lost friend know that that offer remains open, should they ever wish to take you up on it. After that the ball is in their park and you are powerless of what the outcome may be; but at least you'll know you have done the right thing. It sounds as if you have learned and matured from this experience. Good luck with you future friendships and value them.