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How do you find your target audience on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How do you find your target audience on Twitter? - laughing_stock - 10-08-2012 03:38 PM

I am from the UK and I've linked my jewellery website on Twitter, now I just need to find people. None of my friends are on twitter and they don't want to use it either. All my friends are on facebook, and I already have advertised my website there. Now on to twitter.

I can only find young people from the US, I want to find young people from UK because it's easier for me to ship my jewelleries

- Social Diva - 10-08-2012 03:46 PM

You can use Twitterholic to get tweeple from a certain geographic location. Now, are you after the quantity or the quality of followers? In my honest opinion, I'd rather focus on quality, even if you don't have thousands of followers - it will be nice to have a few tweeple who care about you/your business. If you're after the numbers, you can simply follow people who follows you, unfollow those who don't, or follow spammers who are following more people than are followed. It's all about engagement that matters these days, so I'd rather talk to people more than simply be another clutter in the Twitter air. Good Luck!