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My boyfriend lies to make me happy? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend lies to make me happy? - :) - 01-16-2013 04:04 AM

When we started dating he said he had nothing on the day I was free so we could go out, but he had an important football practise which he missed

Then we went to see a film, and he said he hadnt seen it before and really wanted to see it, but now ive found out that he had actually seen it before!

Another thing, I was joking about this woman in a bikini on TV, and he said he didnt notice her because he doesnt look at other women. I said 'oh sure you dont, its ok you are a guy its normal to look at other women' and he insisted he doesnt. BUT ive seen on his facebook and twitter he keeps adding and following random attractive girls who upload semi nude pictures. I would be fine with this if he would admit it but he wont admit it!

I find it sweet that he wants to keep me happy, I am his first girlfriend and we dont want to lose eachother. But I keep feeling fooled and tricked and i wonder what else he has lied about. What should i do? How do i get him to be more honest?

Thanks for your advice xxx
I would tell him, but i only found out about some of the stuff by looking at his twitter page and facebook page... so im worried he will get angry for snooping on him (i know its my fault)
Also what if he denies it again...?
What should i say when i tell him?

'Hey, i think we should be more honest with eachother, starting with how its ok for you to look at women so dont pretend that you dont'

- DeeDee - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

just tell him this, instead of posting it on yahoo answers honestly

- tyro - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

if this really bothers u, u should TELL HIM

- TheTruth - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

To make you happy? No, he lies to cover his a$$.

- Squeekee - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

Lies are never good......warn him and leave him if he dont change.....if u dont, then his lies will get worse

- Justyne - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

Everyone lies, unfortunately, but it's true. Guys lie to get things out of girls just the same as girls lie to make a guy want them more... if he lies to you it means you're not good enough for him to tell you the truth. In other words, he doesn't care enough to tell you what really is what. Honey, if he is willing to lie about this to you now, just imagine if you stay with him, how many more lies he'll tell. Lies shouldn't build a relationship, and if they do, it will end in absolute destruction! He's not worth it at all. Find someone who loves you and tells you the TRUTH!

- chec13 - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

Well he probably doesn't know how to act. You said you were his first girlfriend. Maybe other women would have more knowledge on this though.

- teddy hugs - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

Say that you think he is so sweet and nice but all you need from him is his honesty. No matter how terrible it is.

- ESTRELLA - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

I completely understand, I'm going thru similar situation, my bf says he doesn't look at other naked woman but what he doesn't know is that I have access to his web history on Google and it showed me otherwise made me upset, but I'd rather know the truth it would hurt less ...I honestly don't think we can make them do anything there always going to deny what they know will hurt us , my guy friend said it was a guy code ...

- firefly - 01-16-2013 04:12 AM

His lies are more like fibs, I think it's kinda cute tbh. He's putting you before himself because he probably feels like he has to since its his first relationship and all. Maybe you should just reinforce, that its okay for you guys to disagree and that it's okay for him to put himself first (football practice) sometimes. And of course he is not going to admit that he notices other women!! I wouldn't worry too much, when you both settle down into the relationship things will settle down. If the lies however get bigger and you think he is genuinely a dishonest person, you have to ask yourself if you guys make a good couple or you have to find a way to deal with that aspect of him that you don't like because nobody is perfect. However, as I've said before, I don't think there is any need to worry because they aren't big lies...just lil fibs Smile