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How can I easily and effectively populate a company website? - Printable Version

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How can I easily and effectively populate a company website? - MaryRose - 01-16-2013 09:25 AM


I work for a company that is sort of a new thing. We have a great website currently but my manager has asked me to work on populating the website. I have never worked on a website before and apart from the very basics, I have no real idea how to successfully do this. Can anyone explain (in really obvious terms!) what he is expecting me to do and any tips would be fantastic.

Apologies if this is a ridiculously ‘dumb’ question but I am a bit out of my depth here!
Thank you in advance

- Robert - 01-16-2013 09:27 AM

By populate i assume he means add content, if you know what you need to add just start typing into the relevant sections, are using a Content management system to add in this information? theres not much more to say than that if he knows your not completely web literate your work will cover the outside of the site not the mechanics, find out how to connect to the portal/backend to add content in.

- robert m - 01-16-2013 09:30 AM

best to go back and ask exactly what he means - and what budget and timescales you are working on - that way a lot of the confusion will go away. "Populate" may mean add content. or it may mean add social media (twitter/facebook feeds etc) or may mean get more people to look at the site. Its not dumb to ask "dumb" questions - its sensible to ensure you both mean the same thing.

When you say your website is "good" - What does that mean? It looks good, it works well, there is lot content on it, there are lots of visitors, lots of sales. Start to define these and you will be well on your way. Have a look at what your competitors are doing and see how you compare.

Finally its always best to get others to prepare the content and as webmaster just format and add to the website - otherwise you will spend forever writing, re-writing and checking. get a proces in place - what manager signs off on the content and when and get a schedule together to update the site.

- Yanju - 01-16-2013 09:36 AM

depending on what you market for your company you should check out the link. you can try making online videos and probably put more time in marketing online being that the internet is a friend of the 21st century.