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Are teachers allowed to add students on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Are teachers allowed to add students on Facebook? - Ross G. - 01-16-2013 09:27 AM

Facebook, MSN, Myspace, Twitter, anything like that.

Is there some kind of limit to the teacher-student relationship that makes this not allowed?

- Joe - 01-16-2013 09:30 AM

Usually teachers avoid contact with students on social networking sites because they don't want to get in trouble for controversial activity that the student shares on this networking site (i.e. if the kid talks about drugs, alcohol, curses, etc.). But as far as school code goes, i don't think there is an actual rule preventing teachers from adding students on facebook.

- derbydolphin - 01-16-2013 09:33 AM

it would be inadvisable, the teacher student relationship should be professional not social

- KM - 01-16-2013 09:41 AM

I think generally it is frowned upon, and in some places it is against the rules and can be used as grounds for dismissal.

During one course we (education majors) were given advice on social networking - what to put on your profiles (and what NOT to put), as well as whether or not to "friend" students. The reason it is generally not allowed: One presenter (a former teacher, current administrator) pointed out that if there are signs of abuse or neglect on a profile the teacher is required to report to proper authorities. One form of neglect in her eyes - underage drinking.

Its better to not add students rather than get mixed up in personal lives and risk your job.

- Mk - 01-16-2013 09:49 AM


- ihateboredom - 01-16-2013 09:51 AM

What Joe said is pretty much what I would have said. Teachers usually don't add students because they don't want people thinking something inappropriate is going on or so they don't have students seeing all about their personal lives. But, it's not illegal. Some teachers do add students. I'm friends with 2 of my current teachers and my bus driver on facebook. I think more teachers should add students because its nice when I have a question about class and can just go on Facebook to ask about it. It helps me connect with my teachers more too because I can see that they're real people with lives and families, and not just some authority figure standing in front of the room lecturing me.