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How can I tell if he likes me? - Printable Version

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How can I tell if he likes me? - Guadalupe - 01-16-2013 09:28 AM

Well there is this guy i met in my school and he is very shy around me, most of the time. And just last week we went on the bus to get our other bus. And let's just say that he has to take another bus to get home, but the bus stop is near mine. So the bus he had to take was right there waiting for people and I asked him if he was going to take it and he said "No because I don't want to leave you alone waiting for the other bus", Then we went on the bus I have to go on. Then the next day we went again but while we were waiting he showed me his lighter and I was in complete shock. I didn't know he smoked. He told me he stopped but the next day my friend told me she saw him smoking. And then we started going on the bus together, And we talk in school always he is still shy around me. Does he actually like me or is he being nice????? Helpp!
Pleasee help me! If you help me I will try help you just put the link in. Thank You Smile

- Amy - 01-16-2013 09:28 AM

he sounds really nice and sweet. It doesn't matter if he smokes, he sounds lovely waiting with you. If you wanted to you could just ask him or you could give him little hints that you like him (if you do that is) If he is shy he probably won't admit it so take the first step yourself. Shy people don't often like taking the first step Smile hope this helped xx

- Kathleen - 01-16-2013 09:37 AM

It sounds to me that he really cares about you! I think that he likes you! In my opinion smoking is a big turnoff though

- Milly - 01-16-2013 09:39 AM

Firstly THANK YOU for helping me on my problem! I think that this guy likes you he is just shy but he does like you.I also think he is very caring of you as he took the same bus as you so that your not aloneTongue. So if you like the guy then make your move! Start talking to him,give him flirty looks with your eyes,smile when you see him,get hes phone number,crack up a good joke from time to time,talk to him online if he has facebook,twitter and other sites,maybe ask him out later...

Secondly,about the smoking i would suggest you get him a leaflet about somkeing so that he sees how dangoreous it is.Also you should tell him just say to him that he is such a great guy and a good friend to you that you dont wont to loose him thats why you want him to stop smokeing.Tell him that you dont like the fact that he is smokeing beacuse trust me its really dangreous and once you start somkeing you become addicted and you can get things like lung cancer.

Good Luck!
from Milly;)xoxo