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Is the iPhone 5 worth upgrading from cheap Verizon plan? Otherwise, is the iPad retina display worth it? - Printable Version

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Is the iPhone 5 worth upgrading from cheap Verizon plan? Otherwise, is the iPad retina display worth it? - Andrew - 01-16-2013 09:28 AM

Well, it was my birthday a few days ago. My parents gave me a few options with regard to Apple products. Don't laugh, but I've been using a Samsung Reality and LG EnV (when I broke my Reality) for ages. I'm on a cheap Verizon plan where I get 3G and can access Facebook, Twitter, etc. If I upgrade to the iPhone 5, my parents made a deal with me where I will have to pay $10 a month, part of the plan. If I go over the 2 GB usage, I will pay $25 a month.

The other option is to get the iPad with retina display. I am a digital arts student and the iPad would be quite useful for class and such, taking notes, drawing sketches, etc. I have already tried it out and the pens roll quite smoothly on its surface, and it would really help my design and sketch process greatly, not to mention cut out the continual need to throw away and waste sketch paper.

So, the whole question here is, do I go with the iPhone 5, where I would need to upgrade my plan and pay $10 a month on my part to look cool materialistically. Or, do I go with the iPad retina display where it is more feasible for my major?

- Angry Sailor 302 - 01-16-2013 09:31 AM

If I were in your shoes, I would opt for the iPad, as it has a lot more flexibility for my classes.