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Why is microsoft so pathetic and greedy in regards to the xbox360 and xboxlive service? - Printable Version

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Why is microsoft so pathetic and greedy in regards to the xbox360 and xboxlive service? - Kenny - 10-08-2012 04:14 PM

Why is microsoft so pathetic and greedy in regards to the xbox360 and xboxlive service?
I mean last time i checked on my pc facebook and twitter were free to use services in the eye of microsoft that's another money spinner because you have to pay. This is what i belief the online service should be like: if i want to play halo online with my friends i should be able to do that for FREE because thats what PSN and WII does. And the other services should paid for like facebook, lastfm etc. JUST MAKE THE ONLINE MULTIPLAYER FREE.

Cost of going online with your 360:
internet bill/month £50
Gold sub:£5/month

- dan - 10-08-2012 04:22 PM

Dude nothing in life is free.
And if it is it's probably shit.

- Luke - 10-08-2012 04:22 PM

Is this a serious question? Microsoft is a business, its there to make money, as much money as possible. And having ridiculously high prices is a way to make money because people want xboxes and xbox live and will pay way too much for them because its the only way to have it. If you dont like it get a PS3 with free online

- 203 - 10-08-2012 04:22 PM

Since when was Microsoft a charity set up to allow you to play free video games with your friends?

- ralf - 10-08-2012 04:22 PM

those two answers above me are pretty biased.

they pretty much charge it because people will pay it, and its a big money maker for them every one who has a 360 plays online pretty much. the other consoles give it away free just to try to compete with the 360.

they won't give it away for free because they wouldn't gain anything from it microsoft is all about the $$. maybe one day the next playstation will catch up, but until then every one will be paying forxbox live =/