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Do you think the MRA site AVFM has gone too far? - Printable Version

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Do you think the MRA site AVFM has gone too far? - thegreyblur - 01-16-2013 09:30 AM

The MRA site, A Voice for Men is aiming to IDENTIFY the individuals involved with in the Warren Farrell protest.

They then publish their full name on their site, and the things that they did.

They published this woman, as well as some of the bigoted, hateful and violent comments she said against men using her Twitter account:

And they identified the most vocal female of all in the incident, and they are now going to search the web for bigoted things she has said against men:

Do you think AVFM justified in doing this? Is it a good thing that these women are now made to have CONSEQUENCES for their actions and hate speech?

Or do you think AVFM is going too far?
Tea...So what are they supposed to do? Just pretend it didn't happen? It's impossible to get the legal system on their side, it has been shown clearly in the past that the legal system favors women. Do you not see that as an issue? Do you not think the protesters did anything wrong?

Educate yourself:

Only a small percentage of men are at the top, and they mainly exert their power over OTHER MEN who are NOT at the top.

Oh yeah, the links work just fine.

Just because you have nothing to say doesn't mean you have to MAKE STUFF UP! The protest happened just RECENTLY, so it is impossible for MRA's to have been "linking to thsi protest for MONTHS."

And please don't just dismiss this protest as "obscure" This protest shines a light on the mentality of many feminists, especially in a speech about the failing of BOYS in the school system. You feminists clearly don't give a toss about BOYS. typical is it of you feminists to just DISMISS evidence that conflicts your vile dogma.

- mr. chao - 01-16-2013 09:36 AM

Not really, I think that's necessary to confront hatred. You wouldn't hesitate to identify a Klansman, now would you?

Props to AVFM for doing this. I like them much better than or MGTOW, they're much more reasonable.

- Tea - 01-16-2013 09:38 AM

It just sounds like harassment to me. Unless they did something illegal, I don't even see the point. If they did do something illegal, then try to get them prosecuted. Otherwise what the AVFM is doing is just as bad as what they accuse these feminists of doing. Stalking and harassing people is not going to endear people to your movement.

What you guys need to do is what the women's movement did that actually worked...try to get things changed in the legal system. Harassing people who harassed you just makes you look as bad as they did and doesn't even do anything concrete or real to actually change the things you're trying to change in society.

...and you don't think the legal system used to favor men? Are you saying that women are so much smarter than men that they were able to figure out how to get a political system completely dominated by males in every single way to finally give them the right to vote or use birth control, yet you guys can't get a political system that is still dominated by males to help you or prosecute people who deserve it? Did you ever think that they're not doing anything because you're either not trying all that hard or perhaps your complaints and concerns don't have the seriousness you believe they do?

By the way, your links aren't working so I have no real idea what it is that these women supposedly did or what they said, all I know is that it's immature to stalk and harass people on the internet. You asked my opinion and I gave it.

- Myles - 01-16-2013 09:45 AM

No, they still have yet to do anything that offends me.

- Woody Blue - 01-16-2013 09:51 AM

No I think it's brilliant - that was lies and suppression of free speech and hate.

I'm glad someone is calling them on their disgusting behaviour.

*edit* it was a talk about boys education. These people showed up and shouted hate speech, called the speaker a child molester, called the attendees rapists and rape apologisers - defaced posters, and fought with police. Stopped people entering. I mean why such lies and hostility at a talk that only looked at boys struggling in education - its not fair, and these hateful lying thugs should be called on it. Maybe it will make them think about their actions - because their actions were wrong.

- Beer - 01-16-2013 09:56 AM

Actually...they're doing it all wrong. Completely.

First...was that protest that these feminists did illegal? If it was, report them. Pressure the authorities to press charges. They'll almost certainly decline since feminism is a sacred cow in Canada.

The next move...the war against boys angle. Now...people are very much tolerant when it comes to discriminating against men, but put boys into picture and they get A LOT more sensitive. Get the conservative media on their side, the liberal media doesn't care what happens to boys. Present the event for what it was - a talk about the crisis of boys. Anyone who protests against that is obviously wishing boys harm; call out on people conscious, do these people have sons, do they wish best for their sons or just for them to be killed working on an oil rig 15 years from now, which is a possibility since so many are getting left behind is schools. At that point when there's a critical mass of people interested, these conservative media should attack the liberal media for ignoring the boys' issues, attack them that they're condoning discrimination of boys. At that point the lib media would probably pick up the story since the critical mass of people would be formed and they wouldn't want to upset the audience.

How can one be "linking to this little protest and obsessing over it for MONTHS" when the event happened Friday, November 16, 2012."

Is this one more proof we need basic math courses as part of the different Social "sciences"?!


- Sophie - 01-16-2013 10:05 AM

Honestly, I doubt it really matters what AFM does in this regard. They can post whatever they want; it's mostly just a few guys who talk to each other about how horrible they think feminists are. That being said, MRAs have been linking to this protest for months. If some obscure protest at the U of T against your favorite author is the best you can do to prove the "evils" of feminism, then you have nothing. I mean, you guys have been linking to this little protest and obsessing over it for MONTHS. If feminists are really so awful, you MUST have something better...

I also, don't think you're really asking this question looking for answers, I think you just wanted to post the links.

- Pel - 01-16-2013 10:06 AM

Nope, just a part of the job. Collect as many facts as possible.

- I Ate Your Waffles - 01-16-2013 10:14 AM

If people were hateful and violent, then they deserve to be exposed for that.

Peaceful protest is everyone's right, but when you push and spit on people then you deserve to be at least exposed, you don't have the right to anonymous assault.

Good for them I say.

- Rawr - 01-16-2013 10:16 AM

welp there is a reason the "MRM" is coloquially known as "the abuser's lobby". its because they *literally* lobby for abuse. the register her site is not even AVFM's over the line moment, its call for violence is only implicit, its not actually outright stated that readers should attack anybody. register her is actually quite tame compared to the explicit calls for violence against women that is regularly written on the actual AVFM blog.