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I want to make money off of writing? - Printable Version

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I want to make money off of writing? - Saskia - 01-16-2013 09:34 AM

I'm18 and I heard that you can write blogs on websites and stories and they pay you. If so, how do i make this happen? And can you give me some LEGITIMATE sites? thanks
I can write and people love what they read. Names of websites, anyone :-)

- Lulu - 01-16-2013 09:42 AM

First you need to be able to write. Second you need to be able to provide content that people want to read.

If you can do those two things and start generating traffic to your site, then you can figure out a way to sell it.

- MavistheMaven - 01-16-2013 09:44 AM is a clearinghouse of blogs and websites. It's the best place for you to start.

Realize, that they don't generally pay unknowns. You will need to do guest blog posts and develop a following.

You can also start your own blogs. Google "making money with blogs" to find some websites that tell you how. Again, you will need to build up a following, which can take months or years, before you see any money. You want to start several blogs so that if some fail, you can fall back on the ones that succeed. Competition for readers is stiff, so your best bet is to find some special niches to write about.

- The Writer - 01-16-2013 09:47 AM

If you start a blog for the sole purpose of making money you are going to be sorely disappointed. Blogging and writing for money is hard work and NO blogger is successful overnight.

The bloggers I know who earn some kind of an income with their blogs have the following in common:

1. Excellent content with minimal grammar errors
2. Regular posts
3. An in-demand niche
4. All self-hosted with their own domain names
5. Exceptional knowledge of SEO, branding, pitching to sponsors, disclosures, PR information, and marketing on social media
6. Engaged readers and strong traffic numbers
7. Well-designed and easy to navigate

Just because you can write doesn't mean it's good enough or capable of making any money. Learning how to do all of the above takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication. I've been writing my current blog for 1 year and 9 months and blogging altogether for 2 years and 3 months. I'm finally reaching a point where I know enough to put myself out there and start working with brands, companies, and PR firms. I started somewhat earlier this year but backed off during my re-design.

The information is out there and if you're a woman you can start with this site for information:

In the meantime, decide what you want to do, what your areas of expertise are, what you can contribute, and what kind of blog you'd like to do. You cannot just say "I am a writer. Pay me" and expect companies to accept you. You will have to earn it and do a lot of the leg work on your own.

If you need more info you're free to contact me. I have a lot of resources but it would take me awhile to list them here and really give you thorough information.