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IS ONE DIRECTION GAY? - Printable Version

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IS ONE DIRECTION GAY? - krystal - 01-16-2013 09:36 AM

yes one direction is bi my friend made this up i pledge allegiance to the flag the one direction is a fag they use to play with barbie dolls know they play with each others balls its a joke Lil
yes one direction is gay here a joke for u i pledge allegiance to the flag the one direction is a fag they use to play with barbie dolls know they play with each others balls ha ha its a joke one direction sucks just saying

- Lauren - 01-16-2013 09:40 AM

So you just wanted to get your joke out there?

- Bitterpan672 - 01-16-2013 09:45 AM

I don't know about that stuff but they do suck

- Saudi - 01-16-2013 09:51 AM

What do you think?

- BILL - 01-16-2013 09:55 AM

Of course their not gay! They all have girl friends and I would know because I am gay!

- Pogue Mahon - 01-16-2013 10:04 AM

You rattled some idiots with that question. Well done

- Just Megan - 01-16-2013 10:07 AM

I'm sorry but this just gets on my nerves.
Liam payne was born dead, yes DEAD. He only had one kidney and had to suffer about 30 injections everyday. He skipped school because he was constantly getting bullied.
Zayn Malik got so much hate about being a terrorist and got so many racist comments he had to delete his twitter account! And not too far before his girlfriend, Perry had to delete hers for the same reason!
Niall Horan was on stage performing once and some ignorant person shouted that he was 'ugly' and he 'didnt deserve to be in the band' and he started crying and had to give his solo over to louis!
Harry Styles, everyone makes him out to be a manwhore. People judge his looks before actually getting to know him. One small red mark on his collar and press make it out to be lipstick! When really it was paint from when he was painting with children at a hospital.
Louis Tomlinson is in such a happy relationship with his girlfriend and people just can't accept that? I mean how would YOU like it if people were calling you gay when you were trying to be happy in your relationship?

I know i have no right in saying this but it gets on my nerves so much when people judge celebrities before they even know their life stories!

So no one direction are not gay and even if they were, who are you to judge them?

Everyone has their own opinion but theres a very thin line between having an opinion and being just plain mean