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can i get my girlfriend back? - Printable Version

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can i get my girlfriend back? - Luke - 01-16-2013 09:37 AM

Heres the story

me and my girlfriend broke up about 2 months ago .our relationship had been on the rocks for a while she was feeling distant and i had tried to talk to her abot it and she said aw work was getting to her cause she wasnt doing too well then she finally dropped the bombshell on me and said she had fallen out of love with me (this was after a week earler i caught her texting her boss saying they miss each other and she was telling him she was thinking about leaving me) also she said to me that her boss confessed his feelings for her. we split up and she starting seeing her boss a week later and they are now in a relationship 2 months later (her boss is 30 and shes 21 next month) also took us 4 month to tell each other we loved each other they have done it in 2 and has sex in 2 month aswell it took us 6 month

i wasnt thinking it was a rebound untill last saturday when i met her family at the pub (she was with her boyfriend but for obvious reason couldnt talk to me) her dad took me aside and said to me that they were just as shocked as i was about her being in a relationship with this guy and he wasnt too keen on him and about his age but he had to cause it was his daugthers boyfriend and also they think im a great guy and they love me and they dont know how long this relationship will last and dont let her kid you on she still has feelings for you and i thought the break up didnt affect her but her dad said she was distraugt (even though she was the one who initiated it) and her dad told me not to tell anybosy what he said and it was just between me and him which i reluctatly agreed to.This really knocked me for 6 as i was actually starting to get over her and then i heard this.i have been out on dates with other woman kissed woman in nightclubs and was really making progress in moving on till i heard this

i really love the girl and though she was the one we discussed our future together and this happened and it totally caught me by surprise as i didnt think she would move on within a week of us breaking up and she has deleted me off facebook twitter and upgraded her phone and changed her number and now i dont know what to do i was near enough over her untill her dad had this talk with me. is it a rebound? obviously her family know more about whats going on than me and her dad was giving me a heads up? im not sure how to go about it now?

any help would be great?

(im 23 if anyone is wondering)
i emailed her the other day asking is there any chance of us getting back together and she kinda avoided the question she said sorry for everything i put you through but i love james and he adores the ground i walk on i don't want you to get angry at stuff about me and hold you back from moving on with your life and want you to be happy but i still want to be friendly and talk to you when im not with him(her boyfriend) because she said it would be too awkward and i asked did you dad say anything about what we were talking about on saturday and she said no they hadn't told her don't know what to think of the situation to be honest

- Michael - 01-16-2013 09:43 AM

That's rough man. Well, what I can say is that she is 21 and you are 23. Even though that may seem older to you it is very young when it comes to dating. At 21 most girls are still in that party phase where they want to mess around and not be too serious. I'm dating a girl who is 29 that said she wanted kids with me, to move in together, everything, but than a few hours later says I smother her when she asks to see me all the time. Women are strange creatures and it's the worst when they are young because they are attractive and can get so many guys that it's not a big deal to them to kick one to the curb. Just focus on your life, school, and everything else that will make you happy. One day we both will find that right girl I guess.

- KobieMarina - 01-16-2013 09:52 AM

People get scared and do crazy things, it sounds like the pressure of a committed relationship has scared her. Also 21 is young she may have felt she was too young to settle down and be with no one else. I have a feeling that this relationship won't last long, it sounds like passion got in the way of love. She's rushing into everything quickly instead of taking things slow, which to me sounds like a temporary thing. When you like someone a lot you tend to take things slower and learn about each other. It really does sound like she's had some sort of freak out.. She will probably regret it when she realises what she had with you is gone and what she has with her boss isn't love. As for completely cutting you out of her life, it's probably because deep down she knows seeing you and being able to contact you so easliy will make her feel guilty, and that she's done the wrong thing. I really feel for you and think 100% she'll regret it.

- Francisca - 01-16-2013 09:58 AM

The best advice to give you would be to take it slow, dont rush it, just enjoy your time together, and let flow naturally. if she wants you back, she will let you know, since she is calling you nearly every night, it looks like she is still into you quite a bit.

Just start spending time with her, and having fun with her, do everything you guys did before your relationship went sour. but whatever you do, dont try to push the relationship on her, or try to convince her why you guys should get back together. it will only make her pull away.

But like i said, dont rush it, or force it, just let it come naturally. pushing and trying to force something like this will only hurt your chances.

Best of luck.