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Why do americans love blaming themselves? Agree? - Printable Version

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Why do americans love blaming themselves? Agree? - Thumper the atheist - 10-08-2012 04:52 PM

I always see them saying 'we americans are lazy, obese, ignorant blah blah...'
And when it comes to disussing pearl harbour which is trending on twitter now, I've noticed not only now but a long time ago that americans will say it's their fault, they bombed hiroshima and nagasaki. How is it america's fault? Japan attacked pearl harbour 1st. And usa dropped 2 atomic bombs because japan refused to stop their invasion of Asia. Thanks to usa, they withdrew or more people would be killed by japs. Plus japs killed 300k just in nanking, china alone and invaded lots of asian countries. But till this day they refuse to admit the war and their government & people visit their ' war hero' shrine every year. So why are u guys blaming yourselves on twitter now?(if u don't know what i mean go check out on twitter)
America saved China, korea, manchuria, singapore, malaysia etc!
Yupp i see it on y!a too. And the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki made japanese withdraw from asia because it was threatening their emperor's life. They refused to give up before that so thanks to usa
@nerd in old party hat

Killing civillians is not how a war should be fought but usa don't have to blame themselves because japan also killed 300000 civillians just in nanking, china alone and tortured lots of people

- Serenity Now! - 10-08-2012 05:00 PM


- Danielle - 10-08-2012 05:00 PM

that's a big stereotype you're making

- littleWizard799 - 10-08-2012 05:00 PM

I think it's time we all moved on from that,on both sides. Nobody in this generation had anything to with it.

- тя☆ηк™ - 10-08-2012 05:00 PM

You see it on Twitter, but do you see it here?!

- livelytwig697 - 10-08-2012 05:00 PM

The Allied force was winning already actually, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not necessary, and it completely violate the way military engage in battle which is to only engage military targets.

Bombing a city full of civilian is not how a war should be fought.

- xxLove Angelxx - 10-08-2012 05:00 PM

Are you American? You just make us sound snobby if you are because it's like your gloating that we've won.

Yes, we've done great thing with our power, but saving Jews in the Holocaust and trying to save mankind and give everyone equal rights comes at a price. We do TOO much, so now we are at the heart of every war and violent scene, making us seem cruel and ruthless. It's not something you want for a country. We fight so much for what we think is right that it's starting to seem like we're fighting just to fight. And, that's what makes us guilty.

Jade Silver- I was not giving everything over to America. Had the Russians not defended themselves perhaps all Jews in the world would've been killed. In case you haven't noticed, we fight for mankind because UNDER GOD we are a united country and that's what we believe in.

- Jade Silver - 10-08-2012 05:00 PM

I don't agree

Those nuclear bombs killed innocent people that had nothing to do with the war. Surely a better way to stop them would be to aim for the soldiers, not the women, children and old people who were left behind. It seems to me that the Americans just wanted to use the nuclear bombs as a way of making Japan surrender quickly, unlike japan at pearl harbour who were willing to risk there own men fighting properly. (I'm not excusing japans attack at Pearl Harbour though)
Also they dropped the second one before they had even understood the repercussions of the first one, which was quite silly. Plus, people are still affected by the radiation today.

XXLove angelxx - "Fighting for mankind" you do know how to big up your own country, it's America not God. There are a lot of countries involved in the same wars as America like the UK and you need to stop giving America all the credit for everything.

- Megan - 10-08-2012 05:00 PM

Not all. And isn't blaming ourselves good? Getting it over with.. we're to lazy to deal with it. And we blame ourselves because we are. We know it. We're not afraid to say it, we don't give a crap.