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Why did my dark chocolate turn out so pale? - Printable Version

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Why did my dark chocolate turn out so pale? - Amanda - 01-16-2013 09:37 AM

I melted dark chocolate (baking chips) in a double boiler and poured it into my molds. The set I left on the counter overnight are much paler than the set I made in the morning and stuck in the freezer to set quicker. Is the colour difference because of how I let them set or did I do something wrong?

You can see the colour difference between them here:
The set in the back has two darker pieces with it, one I had to do this morning as the original for that set broke when I unmolded it and the d4/triangle was just darker. Again don't know why. This is my first attempt at making chocolates so any input would be appreciated.

I'm pretty sure I didn't untemper the chocolate. There is no streaking, just a paler colour. Also I used the same chocolate for both batches and simply reheated it this morning (and had it turn out darker).

- Spanked - 01-16-2013 09:39 AM

Chocolate melts at 90 degrees F any higher and it changes the chocolate. I suspect the temp was too high. If you got any water in the chocolate, it changes it as well.

- emgee - 01-16-2013 09:46 AM

You de-tempered the chocolate. Heated too high, left in the refrigerator, and the cocoa fat separated out, causing the "bloom."

Why are you using such crappy chocolate? Toll House morsels? Go buy a block of good chocolate in bulk at a gourmet shop or chocolates store. Chop up the good stuff, melt in a double boiler, and mold, freeze 10 minutes and remove from molds.

- pastry chef