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Best Investors To Follow On Twitter? - Darren J - 01-16-2013 09:37 AM

I'm looking for really good investors to follow on Twitter that have a good track record on stock picks and alerts, any suggestions?

- Ursugardaddy - 01-16-2013 09:39 AM

You want to follow the Herd..... You need to learn that you "Don't follow the herd". It's not a good idea to buy any stock or fund just because everyone else is piling in. Likewise, avoid selling holdings when the market drops. Find some way to tune out the noise of the market. Don't let greed and fear take over. And don't tinker with your well-thought-out investment plan. If you stick with your plan and keep your emotions out of your investments, you'll be rewarded down the road.What can investors do to break their bad habits? If you're uncomfortable with dramatic changes in the value of your investments, you may have a low tolerance for risk. You'll want to keep that in mind as you develop your investment plan. It's okay to re-evaluate your tolerance for risk over time, especially after the bear market of 2008-2009, but you want to make sure changes are based on your appetite for risk and volatility over the long term, not on today's emotions. You have to learn to study the company vaulation. What if the investor that you are following on twitter die? Would you follow another investor via twitter and continue with that investment strategy .. You are not ready for investing because you are not going to come out ahead down the road if this is your type of investment strategy

Take Care

- Common Sense - 01-16-2013 09:48 AM

You can't really make money with any "alert" service or guru.

A. There are just a handful worth dealing with.
B. The nature of trading makes it impossible to duplicate even the best alert companies.
C. If you don't have skills in Risk Control & Psychology (yours & the markets)... you're doomed to mediocre or less results.

Here are the best out there; (great (really great) picks, little to no trade management) (free newsletter is great) (He's got a great book on trading, considered by many as the best) (Not Twitter, mostly day trading.. he's great at insight and methods).